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May 14, 2020

"Are you ready?" Kai asked as he walked into my office, Ashton perched on his hip, making me look up. He wore a flown top with maternity pants with his hair up on a bun. He tended to wear clothes that make his bump barely noticeable to keep people guessing how far along he was. He's actually five months and a few days along, meaning that we can know what the baby's sex will be.

"Yeah, jut give me a second to finish this and then we can head to Kylie's office." I replied and he nodded as he walked in and sat across from me and I went back to typing on my computer before ending the email and sending it off. "And done."

"What were you working on?" Kai asked as I took Ashton out of his hands making the toddler beam and wrap his arms around my neck.

"Just going over the gang's finances as well as product inventory for the office," I replied as we walked out of my office and made our way down the hall towards Kylie's office.

"Daddy," Ashton called making me look down at him with a smile, "Woff?"

"You want to go see the puppies?" I asked and he nodded, "Okay, we'll go after mama's appointment." He frowned but nodded. I chuckled, pressing a kiss to his temple as we stopped in front of Kylie's office, "Have you seen Caden or Tony today?"

Kai shook his head as he knocked on the door, "Caden sent me a text earlier this morning saying that he and Tony were going to New York for a few days to look at some orphanages or something of the sort."Kylie opened the door then, making me nod my head as an acknowledgement to his words before we greeted her.

"Hello, Don, Donna, Little Master," she said with a warm smile holding the door open for us and we headed inside.

"Hi, Kylie, how are you today?" Kai asked as we walked over to her desk, and she smiled.

"I should be asking you that," she chuckled, "but I'm doing well thank you, and yourself?"

"Great thank you," he replied with a smile making me shake my head with an eye roll.

"And you, Don? How are you doing?"

"Good, you know how it is with running a gang and a business," I replied and she nodded.

"Understandable," she nodded, "alright. Have you been any problems?"

"No, other than just having mild backaches," Kai answered and she nodded.

"Taking your prenatal vitamins every day?"


Several question and answers later, Kylie finally had Kai getting up on the exam table to measure his belly.

"Ready to know what you're having?" She asked as she turned the computer next to the table on and clicked a few keys getting it set up and Kai and I exchanged glances before nodding.

Kai lifted his shirt and lowered the waistband of his pants down leaving his bump on display.

"Baby!" Ashton squealed with a smile as he pointed at Kai's belly making us chuckle

"Yes, bud, there's a baby in mama's belly," Kai said with a smile making the little boy beam. Crazy to think that he'll be turning one in two months. It feels like just yesterday that he was entering the world. So much has happened in so little time that it feels surreal.

I never imagined my life going from shootings and bleeding half to death to being a husband and father of two in a matter of months. As I had mentioned in the beginning, Kai and I had been in an arranged marriage without the paperwork because his father wanted him to be safe and he knew that if Kai was married to me; that he would be safe. Yes, there have been times where his life was at risk and there will be more where he and our children will be in danger because of who I am but I also know that my gang will always be there to protect them and keep them safe.

A gentle slap on the face made me blink and the room to burst into laughter as I stared at Ashton stunned. He gave me a toothy grin making me shake my head and turn toward my husband and the doctor. Kelly had the wand paused on his belly with the baby on the screen.

"Ashton,that was a little to hard, babe,"Kai said with a chuckle making me raise a brow and Ashton only babbled and clapped his hands making Kai chuckle. "Are you back with us now?"

I fondly rolled my eyes as I nodded making him grin, "Are you able to see what the baby will be?"

"As I was telling Donna Kai, here, the baby is in perfect position." Kylie said as she pointed to the screen, and telling us how she could tell what the baby is.

"Well?" I asked making Kai lightly hit my arm, "Sorry, I'm just really impatient. You should know that by now."


"I want to have a gender reveal party like we had when I as pregnant with Ashton."Kai said later that night after we had laid Ashton down for bed. After our appointment with Kylie, Kai and I had gone to the kennels so that Ashton could play with the puppies for a bit before i had to go back to work and Kai had to our Ashton down for his afternoon nap. I was over the moon excited with the news of the wha the baby was going to be and even Kai had already begun making plans on how to decorate the nursery for them. We decided to keep the news of what the baby will from the gang and family until Caden and Tony returned from their trip to New York which won't be until the day after tomorrow.

"I know last time we had little time to plan but now we have more time so we can plan and get it down once Tony and Caden return." I said and he nodded climbing onto the bed.

"I'll just have to do it while my parent and brothers aren't around or else they ask what the baby will be," he said shaking his head before laying down on his side, "Oh also can we throw Ashton a party for his first birthday?"

"Baby you don't have to ask me that," I said as I laid down beside him and he cuddled up closer wrapping an arm around my waist and resting his head on my chest as k wrapped my arms around him and pressed a kiss to his forehead, "You just tell me what theme you want it to be and I'll get it done."

"Okay," he replied yawing, "He's into a lot of things right now but I think he's more into Cocomelon right now so I was thinking of it being themed that,"

"Sounds good. I'll check into that tomorrow while at work."

"You're the best," he murmured and I smiled as I pulled him closer—well as close as I could with his bump in the way. Just four months to go and there will be a new member to the Robertson family. Ashton was super excited about having a sibling and I could already tell that he was going to be very protective of them even if there's only a year between them.

"Get some sleep, love, we've got a very busy day come morning." I whispered pressing a kiss to his head and he sighed cuddling closer.

"Don't remind me," he mumbled sleepily and I shook my head. He decided that we should clear out the second guest bedroom to make it into the nursery first thing tomorrow morning—well after breakfast that is. So tomorrow I'll be having some of the guys help me with the remodeling while Kai, his mom and Caroline go shopping for some baby neutral items at the local target.

"Goodnight, I love you." He murmured before his breathing evened out and he was out like a light.

"I love you too, love."

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