43. Kai

626 46 1

June 30, 2020

The hall of the Den was packed with armed men and women getting ready to go track down Frederick. Zeke stood tall and strong with Tony and Lorenzo as his sides but that didn't change the fact that he was going off to war and I could possibly lose him

"He'll be okay, Kai," Caden said from beside me as he held his and Tony's son who was fast asleep not knowing that his father was going into dangerous territory.

"Aren't you afraid of something going wrong while their away?" I asked and Caden smiled and nodded, "then why are you so calm?"

"I try not to show how worried I am because then it'll only distract Tony from his mission," he answered and I bit my cheek and looked back towards my husband who was already staring at me and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. He looked dangerous and safety all wrapped in one. His eyes though held worry and I hated knowing he was worried about me when he should be focusing on the task at hand. So putting my worry aside, I smiled at him giving him the courage he needs to ge this mission done and over with one and for all. He didn't look convinced but smiled and went back to doing what he hand been, and that was going over strategy plans.

"Won't the house be left unprotected if the gang aren't around?" James asked

"Perhaps this Frederick guy planned this and he's only waiting until the house is vacant and will strike," Alec added

"The house won't be left unprotected," Caden said making my two brothers look at him, "Even if that were his plan, he'll have to get through guards on each gate that leads to the house,"

"And if by a miracle he does, he won't find us," I added making them frown, "there's a secret passage that leads to a bunker on the outskirts of town,"

"He's got all of this planned then?" Mom asked and I nodded

"He's always two steps ahead of the enemy whenever something like this happens," Caden replied and my mom along with my brothers nodded.

"I'm sorry that you've all been dragged into this," we looked towards the sound of Zeke's voice as he approached us and Dad was quick to shake his head.

"There's no need for apologies, Zeke," he replied, "All that we need from you is to keep Kai and the kids safe."

"Always," my husband replied, "And I will keep you all safe, I swear."

"We know you will, Zeke," Mom said with a smile, "How long do you think it will take?"

"Can't say." He replied with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You need a hair cut," I stared malign him raise a brow before shaking his head, "you've never let it outgrow this much."

"I will cut it when this is over." He answered and I nodded.

"Boss?" We turned to Lorenzo who nodded and I swallowed the knot that had once again formed in my throat. This was their way of saying it was time to head out. He nodded back at his snipper before turning back to us.

"Be careful out there son," Dad said and Zeke nodded and was autores when Mom walked up to him and did the sign of the cross before he headed off with Tony and Lorenzo. He smiled, gave her a hug and kiss before the turned to me and did the same.

"Be safe and come home to us," I murmured and he nodded.

"Aren't I always?" He asked with a cheeky smile before he gave me one last kiss before heading to the middle of the hall where the gang waited for him and his signal. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, TODAY WE ARE TO DESTROY FREDERICK ONCE AND FOR ALL!"

Cheers erupted through the lobby while others thumped their guns on the floor.



Nightfall was upon us and I still haven't heard anything from Zeke and from the looks of it neither has Caden. We were siting in the living room waiting for our husbands to walk through our front door saying that fit was over but it's been nearly five hours since they left and nothing. No word from anyone that had gone with them. Caden had been able to hack onto their car GPS but it hadn't moved an inch since they arrived to their destination.

It was like being back at our old home before it was attacked. Every second that ticked by I grew even more worried. Mom, Jackie and Jaime had tried to ge time to go to bed as it was 10 but I couldn't sleep not when my husband wasn't home. When he was out there most likely in-no, I'm not going to think those thoughts. I need to think positively and just have to be patient. Zeke always comes home no matter what. He always comes back.

"Tony?" Caden's voice brought me out of my thoughts and saw him on the phone, "Fuck you had me worried sick, where the hell are you? And is Zeke with you?" He asked looking at me and I swallowed the lump in my throat as Tony spoke on the other end. My phone began to ring at that moment and I quickly pulled it out of my port to see Zeke's name flashing on the screen and felt my heart beat again as relief filled my lungs.


"Hi, baby," he replied and there as something off about his voice and I felt that relief turn to fear

"What happened? Where are you? Are you okay?" I fired question after the other not giving him a chance to reply, "please tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay, just a bit—" he cut off then and began coughing uncontrollably and fear choked my veins as tears welled in my eyes, "sore, hey, don't worry. I'm alright. There's no need for your tears, angel."

"You're hurt, aren't you?" I whispered waking away form Caden as he spoke with Tony. "How bad? And be honest with me."

"Just a graze, but like I said don't worry," he replied and I didn't believe him, and I won't believe him until he's home and is seen by Kylie. "I was just calling to tell you that we're coming home and will be there soon. We got rid of him and his little group once and for all."

"I don't care about that," I replied even though I was happy that our lives will no longer be in danger, I just wanted him here with me, with our son. "I just want you here with me. That's all I care about, Zeke."

"And I'll be home soon, I promise." He said, "Worrying isn't good for our girl, Love,"

"I won't stop worrying until you're here in front of me and I know you're alright." I replied making him chuckle, "I love you, I don't want to lose you Zeke."

"And you won't. How may times have I been in this position before?" He paused for a second and before I could reply, he answered his question, "actually don't answer. I love you, and I won't let a little scratch take me out. I'll see soon, I promise." I sighed and rubbed my belly before replying to him and after a few more words exchanged between us, we hung up. I went back to sit with Caden and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Husbands am I right?" He asked making me shake my head and sigh.

"We sure got lucky,"

He chuckled at my words before throwing an arm over my shoulder and giving me a gentle squeeze, "we sure did."

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