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"What's going on?"I asked upon hearing a loud commotion from the foyer since I was making my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat as it was already half past noon.

"Don't know just got here" John replied as I reached him and we just stood waiting to see what that commotion was and we didn't wait for long as we watched Zeke leading Santiago, Carlos, and Lorenzo who held a bloodied man and woman -who was kicking and screaming to be met down- towards the basement where the torture cellars located. Zeke's once white button up shirt was  stained red from their blood making me grimace.

"What are you two doing here?" Zeke asked upon seeing us

"I was on my way to the kitchen when I heard screaming" I replied and he sighed which made me realize that his shirt wasn't the only thing that was red. His fists were cut open with dried blood on the knuckles. There was also a small cut on his lower lip and right brow, "what happened?"

"Don't worry about that right now," Zeke replied making me frown, "I'll explain it later but right now I need to go take care of them" I bit my lower lip but nodded

"Alright" I stated and he smiled cupping my cheek with his injured hands

"I don't need you to worry about anything other than the baby and you, okay?" He whispered as he pressed his forehead against mine and I nodded, "good now I'll see you in a bit"

He pressed a kiss to my forehead before he walked away in the direction of where his men had disappeared from and sighed.

"What do you think happened?" John asked making me startle as I forgot he was still standing beside me and I shrugged

"I have no clue and to be honest I rather not know, but something tells me that they had it coming" I answered before turning on my heels and walking towards the kitchen with John in tow

"True, but damn I haven't seen the Boss that angry before so it can only mean that these people stole some of his drugs and weapons and were planning on fleeing with the money they received in exchange of them" he said and I nodded, "changing subjects, how are you doing? I know how it must have been a shock to learn that you're expecting"

"I'm good, I had hoped that from what Rick did that I wouldn't have gotten pregnant but I should've known it was wishful thinking," I replied pouring some coffee on two mugs before handing one to John who nodded a thanks as he sat across from me on the island, "yes I was shocked too since I didn't want to have children, well not until was ready. You know that. Rick had promised me so much when we got together yet he never kept them and only used me and abused me in all forms. Physically, verbally and emotionally. I knew if I ever had children that it had to be away from him as I don't want them to be like Rick."

"And what about Zeke? How did he react to the news?" He asked and I smiled remembering our talk after I found out.

"He was supportive," I replied and he raised a brow and so I explained what Zeke had told me after I told him the news of my pregnancy and how he had even stepped in to be the baby's father and promised that he'd help me raise the baby, "I was terrified at his reaction but he surprised me by actually promising to be with me the entire time and that he'd be the bay's father. I didn't expect something like to come out of his mouth"

"The Boss is sure full of surprises, but I gotta admit that despite his cold exterior he's a good man that is always ready to lend a helping hand as you know form the little time that we've been here" John stated and I couldn't agree more. As much as Zeke may have a hard exterior around his gang he's quite the opposite when it comes to his brothers and those he deeply cares about and he has shown me such when he checks up on me regularly and makes sure I have the things I need or if I want anything.

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