7. Kai

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Just as I was finishing getting ready, there was a knock on my door. I walked over and pulled it open to see Caden standing on the other side making me raise a brow and he grinned, "um, hi?"

"Hey! How are you?" He asked and I blinked

"um, I'm good, and you?" I asked and he beamed

"I'm good. Sorry if I'm disturbing you" he said but I shook my head

"No worries. I was just about to head downstairs to have dinner with everyone," I replied and he hummed

"Awesome we can head down together" he smiled and I nodded with a small smile, "so how are you liking it here so far? I mean I know we've talked about that during our trip to the mall this morning but I just want to know how you're really feeling,"

"It's different from what my life used to be," I replied as we made our way down the hall and downstairs towards the dining room, "I feel more relaxed in a way. Like I can actually breath for the first time in years"

"That's great, I'm glad that you feel that way, and I'm sure Zeke does too. I know it must be a bit uncomfortable living in a house full of strangers but I can promise you that you're safe here" he said and I nodded, "As much as Zeke may look like he doesn't give two fucks about anyone, he really cares a lot about you and he wo-" he cut off as the doors to the dining room opened and Zeke walked out with a raised brow.

"I was wondering where the two of you were," he stated and Caden grinned making the older male narrow his eyes at his brother, "what were you two gossiping about?"

"Nothing!" Caden replied as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dining room leaving an exasperated Zeke behind who shook his head before following behind. He walked in seconds after us and took the only empty seat which happened to be at the head of the table and across from me. It felt strange sitting at the opposite side of Zeke since he's the head of the mafia while I'm just his guest.

A cook soon arrived and dished out of dinner before scurrying away to grab our drinks while conversation soon began and it all revolved around Rick and his whereabouts.

"I have CJ, Riley, Cody, and Ryan, waiting for your order, Don" Lorenzo said and Zeke nodded

"I have Jamerson, Carlos, Andre, and Adam as well," Tony added

"Where was his last known location?" Zeke questioned

"The last known location was south from a rundown restaurant. Mitch, Hunter, and Ruben are on his tail as of right now," John replied

"In total how many men does he have and how many locations does he have?"

"From what we know, Rick has in total of 5 locations which means he could be hiding in any of those. As John said, Mitch, Ruben, and Hunter are on his tail but that doesn't mean that he hasn't realized that we're following him and he'll try to get them off him as soon as he does," Caden said

"And the number of men he has is roughly 200" Lorenzo added

I looked at John who was already looking at me making me quickly divert my attention down at the table, "he might have 200 with him at his hideouts but that doesn't mean he doesn't have more undercover,"John said making them all look towards him, "as you know I was undercover in his gang for a few years when Zeke asked me to look into him"

"How many do you think are undercover?" Tony questioned

"Though his gang is not as feared as the Ravance or Lions, The Snakes are still feared in Seattle. He practically runs all of Washington and half of Michigan. He has expanded his gang to Michigan last year as you already know. So there could be well of 1000 members undercover and waiting for his order to strike," John answered making my blood run cold and heart to begin to race in my chest, "Rick won't stop until he has achieved his goals and that is to take Kai back and to destroy anyone and anything that stands in his way,"

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