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Ever since you got that email from your hero buddy, things had been a little crazy. Your friend's name was Shota Aizawa, and he was calling in a big-time favor. You looked at him in total shock and confusion as you set your team cup down onto the ground. You placed your elbows on the table as you looked back over to Aizawa. You took a few deep breaths as you tried to fathom what it was exactly that he just asked you to do.

(Y/N): So...let me get this straight. You found a child. A child who controls time. In a raid. Against what can only be described as the second devil.

Aizawa: That is correct, yes. I am happy to know that your ability to listen has not yet faltered.

(Y/N): Shota. Now is not the time for your sick sense of humor. You're asking me to take care of a child since I also have a time-based quirk. Do you have any idea how idiotic that is?

Aizawa: It will just be for a short while. Just enough time to make sure we can get an extra room in at the teacher's dorms at UA.

(Y/N): That could take weeks.

Aizawa: Should only be a few days. Heights Alliance was constructed in the span of 10 days. We can manage an additional room.

You looked at him somewhat annoyed. You pinched the bridge of your nose before covering your entire face with your hands. You took in another deep breath as you felt Aizawa place his hand on your shoulder. He got you to open your eyes again and you sighed out.

(Y/N): Fine. Ok, ok. I'll do it. No more than 10 days though. You make me do any more and I'll sue.

Aizawa: Knowing you, you most likely would.

(Y/N): Damn right I will.

Aizawa stood up and offered a hand for you to shake. You stood up and shook it with him.

Aizawa: I'll bring Eri over tomorrow. Give you some time to get ready. Thank you again for this.

You gave him a nod as he walked out. Once the door was closed, you turned back to look at your small apartment. You sighed and looked around some more. The clutter was very obvious, to say the least. You cracked your neck, grabbed some gloves and trash bags, and got ready.

(Y/N): Gotta get started somewhere.

With that, you started doing some cleanup. It wasn't a lot since you were already a typical clean person. But anything you could do to make sure this kid lived a better life. You then moved your efforts to the spare bedroom and began to clean it up a little. There wasn't much else you could change around as you didn't know the girl's personality. So, you just rolled with what you usually would do. Tidy it up and get ready for a visitor. By the end of it all, you crashed down on your couch due to the time it took to clean everything.

The following morning, low and behold that Aizawa was on his usual bright and early scheduling. About 10 in the morning, you got another knock on your door. You quickly left your kitchen and opened the door to see Aizawa standing before you. You nodded at him and glanced down and saw a little girl holding his hand.

(Y/N): This Eri?

Aizawa: Yeah. I take it you got everything ready.

(Y/N): Yep. Her room is ready.

Aizawa nodded as he leads Eri inside. He knelt down before her and nodded.

Aizawa: Mr. (L/N) will do everything he can to help you. Don't worry about anything. Be strong.

Eri: Will you come back?

Aizawa: Yes. In a few days. Just to make sure you have a permanent place to live.

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