Golden Butterfly (ch. 6)

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~Arisa's POV~

Zero ran ahead into the classroom when he noticed that not only had the class been in chaos, it disturbed other classes. "Skye, couldn't you have at least told the guy to use a silencer?" I asked.

"He didn't even know I was there," Skye said, already telling me what I know. I sighed, knowing I was in for it. Clearing his throat Skye said, "He was the one who gave off your location, Arisa,"

I kept silent for a moment, and then said, "He should become an actor, he seemed serious about the fine arts of acting,"

"I'm serious, Arisa, you could have been hurt by him," Skye said, seriously. I poked him in the cheek and said, "Don't be so uptight, your being too serious about this, he did hurt a way,"

We reached the room and it was in pandemonium. Teenagers were acting like kids, teachers were talking on the phone, everyone cleared room for the unconscious body of our teacher, not daring to check to see if he was alive or not.

I heard some whispers about him being dead, but we couldn't be to sure, maybe he was alive, hopefully. Life wasn't something you threw around.

Hobbling over to the scene of the crime, I noticed Yuki, huddled by her super nice friend, Yori.

Zero was checking the pulse of the teacher and I said, "It's only been my....what? 5th day of school, and yet, I've already landed me a leading spot in a school play, been shot, made prefect, had my secret found out, found you and killed a teacher," I told Skye.

"Don't worry about it, Arisa, it'll be fine...I think," Sky said, failing miserably to comfort me...which of course took the exact opposite route. I pushed him playfully and said, "You think,"

Walking over, I saw Zero's straight, hardened glazed over look. "He's dead," Zero announced.

I cringed knowing this wasn't the first death I've witnessed, but every single one pained me.

"H-he can't be..." I heard some people say.

"Come on," I said to Zero, "We need to notify the headmaster," I turned around and said, "Teachers, go back into your classroom and take our class with you, for the moment we need to enlighten the headmaster."

No one moved at first but out of fright and shock, without a word, everyone slowly but surely left the room as Yuki went to retrieve the headmaster.

After a moment of silence, Skye said, "Do you think you have to continue Romeo and Juliet?" I put my head against his arm and said, "I think he'd want that,"

"What do you mean? He tried to kill you," Skye said a bit outspoken as if he was trying to wake me up from a dream, I swallowed and said, "Even so, he was our teacher and he'd arranged the Romeo and Juliet, despite it was only his job to watch my movements,"

"He tried to kill you, Arisa," Skye said, waiting for me to agree, "I know, I know," I said again, "If you don't want me using him as a reason then lets say I personally want the play to go on,"

I looked up and said, "You don't mind do you Zero?" He thought about it for a moment and finally said, "Is it a necessity to rehearse the play?" Knowing what he meant about rehearsing when we're suppose to 'rehearse' I shook my head, "maybe once or twice but I don't thinks so,"

"Fine by me then," He said, turning his head to look out the window. "You can't be serious now," Skye said but before he could say anything else the headmaster came rushing in. "What's happened now?!" He said crying.

"He's an agent committed to the people who tried to kill Arisa," Skye said. "And because his only job was to look over me, he was murdered for his plans of the Romeo and Juliet play, he must've planned something," I finished.

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