Golden Butterfly (ch. 4)

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~Arisa's POV~

As Zero and I passed, girls gave me glances as they noticed the armband on me, some even threw their trash at me. Jealousy was a cruel emotion. I heard whispers about me but they were soon hushed up as soon as Zero gave them a glance.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Zero, you don't have to do that, they'll learn, let them keep the jealously, it's not my problem until they do something and if they do, I'm prefect, not that they can do anything without getting into a certain amount of trouble,"

We went up and the girls surrounding Yuki backed up and adverted glances. "Go back to your lines," Zero said.

"Your late," Yuki complained, I shrugged, "Better late then never," I said shrugging. The gates opened and out poured vampires. I moved out of the way as I helped hold back girls with Yuki since she'd obviously need it.

The girls started pushing against me but I just tilted my head and said, "Get back, unnecessary force will be used,"

"Your just another Yuki, only wanting the night class for yourselves," I lifted my chin at the girls comment, "Yeah, I do want them to myself and I got it, now have anything else obvious to say?" I said pushing them back

Knowing my comment was sarcastic a girl flipped her hair and mumbled "We don't need another whore in the school," I turned around wondering why they were taking their sweet time to pass.

I looked up at the sky, "We don't, so why not leave?" I said, addressing the girl who was talking to me. "Arisa, are you bullying the girls?" I heard Aido say behind me. The girls squealed and I turned around quickly.

"Yeah, it's something I"ve been into lately? Learn anything new?" I said knowing they don't really learn anything, he smiled joining in on the fabrication of a random conversation and said, "No, not really, what about you?"

I shrugged and said, "Nothing really, especially when you talk to the teacher whole time," one of the girls behind me itching to talk to Aido said, "Oh she talked to him the whole time about skipping rehearsal and jelly doughnuts! Maybe at one time it was on ceramic abstract art but I wasn't paying attention then,"

I ducked my head and Aido lightly chuckled at me and I heard Kaname call Aido and he turned back to us, "Don't give Arisa a hard time now," sealing it with a crippling smile to the fan girls with a wink before leaving.

I smiled at the womanizer, so that was his trick. No wonder Yuki was in so much pain, Hanabusa Aido was more of a troublemaker than I was.

"I'm not the only bully around here!" I shouted out to him laughing.


"What were you talking to Aido about?" Zero asked as we patrolled the forest for day class students. I shrugged and said, "He and I weren't really talking about much, just that he and I weren't learning anything in class and he overheard me saying something,"

I looked up and noticed the dark clouds, "Zero, it's going to storm soon, we have to go," Zero sighed, "The headmaster said that this is when most of the day class slips out, thinking they'll have better chances so we're to stay at all times,"

Creasing my eyebrows, a raindrop landed on my hand. "Stupid girls," I said.

He nodded understanding what I meant. We went to the middle of the bridge that crossed the lake as the rain poured. The exact same bridge Zero gave me his tie to bind my wound.

Also the first time I realized I wouldn't mind it if Zero knew about my secret. The both of us looked out at the lake. Zero leaning against the railing as I sat on it.

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