Golden Butterfly (ch. 33)

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As I landed on the ground, I laughed, feeling the buzz of getting caught. Turning around, I saw Zero, "Isn't this fun?" I asked, "I got you out of school early,"

He seemed tired even as he glared at me. I pursed my lips and turned around, putting my hands behind my head, "Your sleeping schedule is screwed up,"

"It was nice when we had three prefects," he pointed out, following after me.

"I know, I know, but Skye-"

"Skye isn't talking to you," Zero said, "Isn't that enough to just work as a prefect. Come back to the Day class?"

"Yeah, but there's also Blake," I said, "He'd be confused and I'd rather not put him through the troubled,"

"Through the trouble of what?"

"He doesn't know," I turned around, looking Zero square in the eyes, "And I don't plan on getting him involved, so don't tell him,"

"Is that what you plan to do? Hide the ugly truth?" Zero scoffed, "He's just as trained as you,"

"He'll find it funny that the entire class is popping pills, but he won't know what they're for. Kaname's made sure that we keep it from, Blake,"

"Arisa, it's unrealistic," Zero said, "To hide him in the middle of monsters and expect to keep it hidden from him,"

"But if we move him, he'll ask questions," I said, fiddling with my hands, "Besides, this thing between Skye and won't last long,"

Zero looked at me doubtfully.

"Stop that," I turned away.

"Okay," Zero put his hands up, "I'll drop it,"

"I'm a bit worried, Zero. The I.J.A.C. has been silent lately. I haven't seen any of their movements,"

"Is there any way that we can disengage the corporation?" Zero asked.

"There's this one person. I had admired him. I was in love. He's the mastermind behind everything. A genius with no limits," I turned around to face Zero, "We need to assassinate him. If you cut off the head of the snake, the body will flounder,"

"Is it that easy?" Zero asked, "One man?"

"But he's like a god, Zero. I don't know what he looks like or where he is. He's had 573 attempted assassination, all failed. He beats Hitler," I said, "He can't die,"

"How do people know he's been assassinated if you've never seen him?"

"We're a snake Zero. He's the head," I said, "We're raised to be geniuses. He was born a god or something. We'll know if he's dead.

"Okay," Zero said, "So, we find him and kill him,"

"We?" I asked, "This is a job for Skye and me,"

"So suddenly I'm not a part of this?"

"No, it's something I have to do myself," I said.

He paused and said nothing but an empathy passed between us. He understood.

I flopped on the ground and Zero copied, just as tired.

"Here, lay on me," I said, "I'm sure make a better pillow than a tree,"

"You'd be surprised," Zero joked, but put his head in my lap.

I tickled his face with a blade of grass, "Whatever," I rolled my eyed.

For a while, Zero and I stayed there talking. Just small talk. It managed to relax me. And even, at one point, it lulled me into a sleep.

Minutes ticked by as I watched him sleep and he watched me sleep. We talked out the play, recited some.

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