Golden Butterfly (ch. 37)

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"I won't be long." I said, patting Zero on the arm. "Promise. Besides, I'm not saying that you can't come but..." I looked over at Abbi, "You have company." I was going out to the market to buy a couple ingredients to makes something I was craving.

"Fine." Zero mumbled reluctantly, turning to Abbi, who claimed to have a problem. I wasn't going to doubt it; Abbi has some serious issues with girls, but that's her own fault, not Zero's. It's kind of irritating to see her complaining about her self imposed position. But who doesn't?

When I got out to the market, it was more than crowded. It would be surprising if you could get a couple meters before you hit another person's shoulder. Maybe butter and milk wasn't worth the trouble after all. When I came to a clearing, I saw Skye. 

My eyes grew wide and I almost called out, but his eyes passed over me and a little to my left. A gunshot rang out and echoed along the walls of the shops, followed with the screams of terror. He dashed into the store and the "cops" located in convenient spots began to quarantine the place. 

Panic was contagious, and seeing the danger, I couldn't help but worry about Skye's blown cover. Cutting through the building, I ran to the back. Halfway down the ally, I saw Skye pass again, this time in different clothing. He walked casually with his head down and his shoulders arched down. He carried himself differently and he donned a beanie and his hair was gelled up in the front. 

Least to say, his disguise was impressive. 

Getting to the end of the alley, I smiled and turned in the direction he had gone. Seeing his beanie, I chased after him, but by the time I had gotten to where he was, the beanie was gone. I was too slow; by now Skye has probably changed his disguise. There were more gunshots behind me, and someone pushed into me to get away from the chaos. Standing as people rushed around me and I clenched my fist feeling as if I couldn't run fast enough. 

I turned in a circle and saw him sitting behind a flower stand, he held onto his forearm as if it was giving him pain. He was well concealed, and unless you looked at it in the right way, you wouldn't know that he was there. I licked my lips and took a step foreword. 

His head whipped towards my direction, but his gaze was behind me. I stopped and my smile disappeared. He didn't recognize me- there was no way he could. I was completely and utterly a nobody to him. I stopped and brought my hands behind my neck and locked my fingers. My palms grazed my cheek and I turned away. Tears rimmed my eyes but I refused to let them fall, blinking them away- Jana Vinci had no reason to cry.

I clenched my hand into a fist and stopped myself from walking away. But Jana Vinci had no reason to walk away from someone who looked in pain. I turned back to Skye but he was gone. 

Looking ahead, through the loud and unfortunately tall crowd. There was a lot of running figures since of course there were gunshots. People screamed as they ran, and there were cries of children looking for their parents. 

Gunshot again, this time the echo disguised where the shot came from. I ran and followed the crowd until I was pushed against the wall. Running my hand on something wet and slimy, about wiped it off until I noticed that the substance was actually blood.

Rather than worried about any disease transferred by blood, I realized someone got hurt and that someone was mostly Skye. Agents don't shoot unless they know it would hit their target- it's a waste of materials, it's a liability, and most importantly, it's a miss on your record and a mark on your reputation.

I followed a trail and it quickly led to a concealed hideaway in the ally, Skye's body was draped on it, his body faced in my direction, but he wasn't looking. In fact, he didn't have his eyes open. He looked exhausted, and to be frank, he looked dead. 

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