Golden Butterfly (ch. 41)

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I woke up and sat up in a start. Looking around, I realized something was wrong. I was alone in the Blake's room, but at the same time I felt like I wasn't alone. What had he done? But then I realized it wasn't what Blake did to the room, I realized I wasn't alone. Sighing, I laid back down, pretending not to notice. I needed to wait a couple seconds. No one knew Skye well enough to detect him this fast. No one besides Arisa.

"Skye." I called out after a few seconds had passed, laying my head on the arm rest of the couch, "I know you're there." I opened my eyes to see him standing at the end of the couch. "Jana." He addressed coldly, and everything about him was cold. His stance, his gaze, his tone... and if I let myself think about it too much, it would cave me in. The corner of my lips twitched, "Skye." I returned with an equal bite to my tone.

"What are you doing here?" He scowled and it rushed back to me why I was in Blake's room. Again, the same heartbreak tore me all over again and I took a big sigh. Rolling back around, I pouted and folded my arms, "I'm busy being jealous." I told the truth to Skye for a chance.


"..." Arisa would roll right over and tell him. I know, because I wanted to do that so bad, but Jana didn't like Skye, and Skye didn't like Jana. It would only be awkward for the both of them. "I don't think that's any of your business." I retorted sharply.

He frowned in disgust, "You're late for class. If you're going to act like a goody-two shoes, do it right." I didn't budge, but I knew that he was right. "Blake will come in soon to sleep, and I don't want you here." Upset that he was telling me what to do like I was nothing but an incorrigible teenager, I turned to him, "Don't say it like you can make me do anything."

Suddenly he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. My stomach was bent over his hard shoulder and because surprise was his trump card, my face collided with his back ungracefully. "Ow!" I complained, more hurt by my pride than by the impact,"What's your problem?!"

"You're my problem." He tossed me to the ground right as I was about to maneuver to pin him. Thrown in mid motion, my head smashed against the wall and my butt banged against the floor. No longer did I feel upset about Zero and his newfound love, I was angry. "What did I-?"

"You stroll around like you own the place." He narrowed his eyes, "You're talking to Zero- you're flirting with him, actually. You're hanging around Blake and Lord Kaname. The Himura family. You think you can just take Arisa's place? Who do you think you are? "

I grit my teeth, "What? Your little crush on the dead spy got you so upset? So what? If I want to be the little Golden Butterfly, I would have wooed you just as easily. If the little amateur was half as slick as she thought she was she wouldn't be dea-"

A smack across my face sent me sprawled on the floor. Nothing about it was gentle. He seemed to be completely done with me, but I didn't blame him. "You..." He seethed, "didn't learn when to shut that loose lip of yours." His eyes flared red and he bared his fangs at me. Seeing the sharp weapon, panic shot through my body and I scurried back. He smiled, "I lost my sense of smell, but I can hear every thump of terror in your fragile heart. You can act as cute as you want, but you're terrified of me."

"Skye!" I growled. This wasn't funny. Was Skye always like this? He was never one to do this unless necessary. But I guess I would hate the person mocking Skye's death. Furious especially with the recent timing. Plus he was still grieving. He launched himself at me and I kicked him back. Throwing myself up, I dodged just in time to avoid my gut being skewered by his fist.

The next time he punched, I dodged and grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm in an unnatural angle. Taking my own elbow, I swung it against his neck. He let go of my hand and grabbed his throbbing neck in reflex. Stepping back, his hands reached for my throat, but I knew his fighting style. He just didn't know that I knew two different styles. Kicking up, I planned to send a roundhouse, but he caught my feet.

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