Golden Butterfly (ch. 9)

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~Arisa's Pov~

Two weeks have passed,

no sign of the agency coming after me again,

my wounds were healed,

the relationship between Yuki and I, not so much,

Romeo and Juliet going just as painstakingly planned perfectly.

If so, why did I have an unsettling feeling about today?

"I'm telling you Zero, I'm forgetting something today," I said, as we walked to the gates.

"That's the 8th time you've asked that," Zero sighed.

Skye and I both corrected him at the same time, "7th,"

He looked at the both of us and I brought my hands up defensively, "But who's counting?"

There was a slight pause and for a moment when I thought no one was going to say something, Skye and I both said, "me," at the same time.

I laughed and as we approached the gates, I observed that there were much less girls than usual.

As if a light bulb came on in all of our heads, all three of us muttered, " St. Xocolatl's Day,"

I slapped my hand toy forehead, "Duh, that was what I was forgetting,"

Yuki, on her own, still trying to get the students or to be specific, girls to go back to their dorms.

"When will she realize that tactic doesn't really effect them?" I said. Walking over to the unusually small mass of fangirls, I said, "Don't you all have better things to do rather than sit around screaming?"

Giving me daggers and venomous glances, I heard one of the bolder girls say, "There are always the store bought ones," I puffed my cheeks, "Don't be so cheap," I mumbled.

"Wouldn't homemade chocolate be better?" I asked loudly. Some girls hesitated and some left.

Raising an eyebrow, I said, "Might as well slip from my sight now and be able to make chocolate, or stay and be kicked back to the dorms,"

"No physical violence will be tolerated," a girl said. I turned my head and said, "I really don't care,"

Judging by the looks I gave her she ruled out that going to make chocolate would be good for herself. "Don't have to be rude to them,"Yuki muttered.

I tossed my head, moving my bangs out of my eyes, turning to Yuki.

"Please," I said, "Tell me that your tactic worked out better," before trudging off.

"That was mean," Skye said, not admonishing me but almost sarcastic, just stating the obvious.

"Was, wasn't it?" I said, pulling out a rod just like Artemis but a lighter shade, more silver than hers. "The headmaster gave it to me," I explained.

"Shes an anti vampire weapon, named Calypso," I said.

Speaking of Skye and I, we have currently been inseparable ever since the incident. He and I shared a dorm room, shared the same class, joined me and Zero in our gruesome journey to dying in a love story and more.

He claimed he needed to keep an eye out on me but he knew I wanted him nearby. "Seems you have another anti vampire weapon," Skye joked.

I bit my lip, "Yeah, I guess, having a dagger from you, knives from Kaname, Calypso from Cross....what else?"

The doors opened and Vampires spilled out, expecting their adoring fans. "Sorry, Aido, I seem to be too good at this job," I jested.

Faking a pout, he said, "Don't worry, I always have you!" before he could glomp me, Skye moved me closer to him, pulling me closer by the belt loops of my light grey skinny jeans.

Golden Butterfly (Vampire Knight)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin