Golden Butterfly (ch. 42)

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I quickly walked away, followed shortly behind by Zero. "Jana, I don't know why you're so angry at me." Zero sighed, getting fed up by me. I shrugged, unwilling to give him any insight into my jealousy. It was embarrassing to let him know I was jealous, let alone feel the urge to act on it. "You know you're never going to get the question anyway so stop trying." I said in an even tone and I heard him sigh behind me in resignment. It was in situations like these when I needed him to understand that he needed to back off, but I didn't want to be left alone.

He continued to follow me.

Feeling my heart ease a little, I stopped and turned around, "Did you ever find out the girl's name?" Zero shook his head, "No, I wasn't able to. She's been avoiding me. She's just as slippery as Yuki when Yuki's hiding something from me." I leaned up against the tree, looking in an aimless direction, "I'm sorry to hear that your true love won't talk to you."

"Shut up. She just doesn't want to be written up." Zero chuckled, kicking a rock to my feet. I smiled and looked down, "I think I'm going to go out to town to get study snacks. Wanna come?" Zero looked up at the sky and back down to me with an almost disappointed look, "Don't you know I'm a prefect?"

"Jana doesn't care," I said, smiling, trying to hide how much I was beginning to hate the name: Jana. Jana has everything that Arisa wanted, but Arisa was everything that Jana wanted to be. Zero looked as if he seriously contemplated on it, so to relieve him of it, I laughed it off, "Hahaha, Zero, sheesh, don't take me so seriously. Let's go help Yuki out."

Zero rolled his eyes and I followed him out to the entrance of the night class. To see Arisa's friends. When we got there, the doors had just opened and Yuki was doing a fairly okay job straightening them out, however, all it took was for Zero to walk by and they made way. I was going to follow him, but Yuki held out her arm, "Nope, not an exception either, Jana." Yuki shook her head with a friendly smile, but it was also a confused smile. She didn't know how to accept that pass written by Kaname. But regardless of her reaction to me, I was still not used to being one of those girls who was pushed back. "Oh, right." I said, "Of course not."

Zero turned around, but all he gave me was a half amused expression, almost a, "Not my problem" kinda look. I rolled my eyes and watched him leave to handle the other girls. I then decided I would go out and buy the snacks without him anyway.

Walking away, I could see I caught Yuki's eyes, but I wasn't about to address her. I didn't feel like explaining to her. Or anyone for that matter.

Going down the path, leaving the night class in the opposite direction, I made a list of what I was going to get. Strawberry jello was definitely on the to-buy list. Probably Pringles as well. Birds flew past me and sang their evening song. The street lights began to turn on and I began to feel a sense of peace. Like I wasn't being chased anymore. For the first time since never, I was free. Everyone was looking for the Golden Butterfly or assumed she was dead.

Only a select few knew while the others were sworn to secrecy.

"Going somewhere?" Skye asked. I stopped in my tracks and turned around, swiveling on my heels, "Need something?" I bit back. He walked closer, closing the distance between us quickly. "Nothing that you can return." He said with such venom, I doubted that it could have been anything other than his grief.

But it didn't move me.

I couldn't let it move me.

"Then leave me alone," I retorted, turning around, but he was there too. He grabbed my wrist and my heartbeat shot into a rapid pace. Narrowing the space between us, he whispered into my ear, "If you do anything to ruin Arisa's home, you're the one person I'll make sure doesn't end up alive." I felt goosebumps run down my back before he let go.

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