Chapter 48: Whole Again

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Valerie’s POV:

I was being discharged from the hospital. My arm was in a sling and I was given orders to see a doctor if I felt strange at all. I hadn’t seen much of Liam, Niall, and Zayn since yesterday and, I know it sounds mean, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to just yet.

Louis was feeling a lot better. He didn’t pass out again and he didn’t feel nauseous anymore.

“So, Valerie,” Louis said as we walked out of the hospital, “Remember what we were talking about before we were rudely interrupted yesterday?”

“Yeah,” I said, “What about it?”

“Do you still want to go public?”

“Yeah, I still do.” He smiled.

“Well,” he said, “We have an interview later today. Should I say something then?”

“Yeah, that would be perfect.”

“You’re sure about this?” he asked.

“One hundred percent,” I said.

“One Direction!” David Letterman introduced the boys and they walked onto the stage. Dustin Hoffman followed Niall onto the stage and sat next to him. I saw him whisper something to Niall and the next thing I knew, Dustin was kissing him.

The crowd went wild. Danielle, Perrie, and I were laughing our heads off. Dustin stopped kissing Niall and nonchalantly walked backstage again. The other boys were laughing their heads off. Liam patted Niall on the back. David called out to Dustin.

“SLUT!” David yelled, then turned back to the boys, “Hi boys, hey Harry, how’s that leg doing?”

“It’s slowly healing,” Harry said, “But I should be back up on my feet soon.”

“That’s good. So, we’ve heard a lot of rumors these past few days,” David continued, “Can you clarify some of them for us?”

“Which ones are you talking about?” Zayn asked.

“Well for starters, Liam, is it true that you and Danielle are a couple again?” Liam smiled and nodded.

“Yep, and we’re happier than ever,” he said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Danielle smiling like an idiot.

“Well, I’m happy for you two,” David said, smiling at Liam, “Now the other rumor I wanted to ask about.” David looked at Louis, “Is it true that Eleanor kidnapped you?” Louis nodded and looked down.

“Yeah, that’s true as well,” Louis said.

“Is she in custody?” David asked. Louis nodded, “Well, I’m sorry your ex is crazy, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I’m glad you’re okay.” The audience cheered in agreement and Louis smiled.

“Now, I have one more question for you all before you perform,” David said, “We all know what Liam’s answer is going to be, but for the rest of you, who’s taken?” I bit my lip as I watched Liam, Zayn, and Louis raise their hands.

“Found someone special Louis?” David asked. Louis nodded and he glanced over at me, smiling.

“Yeah, I did,” he said. Danielle and Perrie ‘aww’ed.

“Mind me asking who this special lady is?” David asked.

“Valerie Styles,” Louis said. I bit my lip, nervous now.

“Styles?” David asked, raising an eyebrow, “As in a relative of Harry here?”

“Yep,” Harry said, “My sister, actually.”

“And, you’re okay with this Harry?” Harry looked at Louis, and then to the side of the stage to me, and then nodded.

“Yeah, I am,” he said, “They’d never hurt each other.” The crowd ‘aww’ed and Louis hugged Harry.

“Well, the best of luck to the both of you,” David said.

The rest of the interview went off without a hitch. The boys sang Little Things to wrap it up and that was the end of it.

After they sang, the boys walked backstage. Louis walked right up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked. I nodded as I took out my phone and turned it on.

“I’m ready,” I said. My phone came to life and I went on twitter. I scrolled through my mentions and smiled at what I saw.

@DirectionerForever: AHHH! I knew it!!!! @Val_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson!!! They’re so cute together!!! #ValouisStylinson

@1DForever: #ValouisStylinson @Val_Styles is WAY better for him than Eleanor ever was!

@HaylorHater: @Val_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!! NEW FAVORITE COUPLE!!! #ValouisStylinson

“Well, that was fast,” Harry said, looking at his twitter as well, “Valouis Stylinson is already trending in the U.K. and in the U.S.”

“Looks like the fans approve,” Liam said, smiling at me. I went back to the home page and looked at the worldwide trends.

“Yeah, but look at what’s trending worldwide,” I said. #PayzerIsMeantToBe was trending worldwide. Liam and Danielle saw this and smiled. I was so happy; words couldn’t describe exactly how happy I was at this point. And that’s when it all hit me. Eleanor was in jail and Sam and Richard were dead. Louis and I had gone public and so many of the fans supported us. It took all my willpower not to jump around and squeal with joy.

“Guys, we gotta go,” Paul said as he escorted us out of the studio. We made it to the limo before the paps and the fans could bombard us and we drove off to the hotel. The whole ride there, Louis played with my hair and we talked about anything that popped into our heads.

We reached the hotel and nearly ran to the elevators. When we reached our floor, we headed to our rooms, Liam and Danielle in one, Niall and Harry in the one next to that, Zayn and Perrie in one, and Louis and me in the one next to that. Before I walked into the room though, I turned around and saw Liam give me a small smile. I was being silly not talking to him; I knew I could trust him. I’d have to talk to him tomorrow, Niall and Zayn too.

Louis poked my arm and opened the door to the room for me. He did the same overdramatic wave that he did on our first date and he bowed.

“After you, m’lady,” he said. It was just as cheesy and, just like before, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Why, thank you kind sir,” I said, curtsying.

“You two are so weird!” Harry called to us from the other side of the hallway. Louis and I burst out laughing and walked into the room. I yawned and Louis chuckled.

“Time for bed?” he asked. I just nodded.

I went into the bathroom to change and took a good look at myself in the mirror. I finally felt whole again, despite everything that had happened in the last 48 hours. When I escaped, I was torn, alone, and I felt worthless. Now, I was with my family, I had great friends, and an amazing boyfriend. I felt like I did when I was fifteen, I felt like I was never broken.

I quickly changed and walked out of the bathroom. I crawled into bed and soon, I felt Louis wrap his arms around my waist from behind me and pull me closer.

“I love you Valerie,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you too,” I whispered as I fell asleep in Louis’s arms.

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