Chapter 4: The Return

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Harry’s POV:

I watched Valerie and I walk through the park. It was the day Valerie was kidnapped. I wanted to run to her, tell her to run back to our parents, but I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk.

I watched as we turned around to head back to our parents and I saw a man in black sneaking up behind us. I tried to scream at Valerie and my younger self, but no words came out of my mouth. The man grabbed Valerie and she struggled to get out of his grasp, but I just kept walking. How did I not see this? How did I not hear her? I watched as she was dragged away and when my younger self turned to Valerie, she was out of sight. Fifteen year old me ran to where Valerie was being pulled into the black van and I watched as the van drove away and younger me ran to the spot where the van had been seconds before. I watched the back of the van speed off and turn a corner, but not before I read the license plate.

I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes and sat up, breathing heavily. Louis was leaning over me, Liam was next to him, and Niall and Zayn were standing in the door way.

“Harry, are you okay?” Louis asked. I didn’t answer.

“Harry?” Liam sat down on my bed and took a quick look at my face, “What is it?”

“I remember,” I said, blinking and sitting up in bed, “I remember the license plate number.”

Valerie’s POV:

I screamed. He was hitting me, over and over again. The pain was intense, but I didn’t cry. I had run out of tears long before.

He covered my mouth and I whimpered.

“Shut up you worthless whore,” he sneered. I couldn’t take it anymore. I bit his hand and I tasted blood. He screamed and held his hand as I got up and bolted out of the basement. I heard him running up the stairs behind me, but I didn’t look back, I just ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was just about to reach for the handle of the door that would lead me to freedom when he grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth.

“You shouldn’t have done that bitch.” I struggled, and then I kicked him where it counted. He crumpled to the ground, moaning in agony. I opened the door and ran. I was free!

It was nighttime and I looked around at my surroundings quickly before running down the street. My clothes were tattered and worn and ripped, I had no shoes, and I was sore beyond belief, but I kept running down the street as fast as I could. I turned a corner and found myself in a big city. I looked down a few streets and saw a police station. Just three blocks stood between me and finding my family.

I looked behind me and saw him running, slowly might I add, illuminated by the stree lamps, towards me. I bolted down the pavement. Two more blocks, one more block. And then…

I crashed into a man, and we both fell to the ground. Four other men were holding out their hands to help us up.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” I said, looking behind me to see where he was.

“Oh, don’t apologize love, I-” the man stopped talking and I turned to look at him, “Valerie?” My eyes went wide and I realized who I had crashed into.

“Oh my God, Harry!” We were both kneeling on the ground now, ignoring the four guys around us. Harry’s face lit up with a smile and he pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, tight, not planning on letting go.

“Valerie, I’m so sorry. I could have stopped him, I could have- could have-” Harry was crying into my shoulder.

“Harry!” I said, pulling back a little to look into his eyes, “Shush!” He chuckled and pulled me back in for a hug. We stayed there like that for a while, just happy to have finally found each other again.

I heard someone clearing their throat and Harry chuckled. He pulled me up and took one look at me, and his smile faded when he saw the injuries. The fresh cuts were still bleeding and I saw that I had gotten some blood on his shirt and that he had some blood on his hands from my back. I hadn’t noticed it before, but I was starting to feel dizzy. How much blood was I losing?

“Valerie, we should get you to a hospital,” he said, “Like right now.”

“Harry, I-” I started, but I couldn’t finish. I began to fall and I felt two arms catch me before I hit the ground. My vision started to cloud, but I still saw five figures leaning over me.

“Shit!” I heard Harry curse, just before I blacked out.

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