Chapter 25: Truth Revealed

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Valerie’s POV:

My head was spinning and I was breathless when the kiss ended. Our foreheads were pressed together while we were catching our breath.

“You’re beautiful,” Louis whispered, “You know that, right?”

“I’m anything but,” I said. Louis shook his head.

“No, you really are beautiful, Val,” he said. He kissed me again. It was quick, but held just as much meaning as the first. When the kiss ended, I smiled.

“You’re pretty amazing yourself,” I said. Louis chuckled.

“True,” he said, “But not as amazing as you.” I blushed and he chuckled again, “Valerie?” I backed up a bit so I could look at him.


“Would you be my girlfriend?” Louis asked. I smiled.

“I’d be honored,” I replied. He smiled, wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer to him. I felt drops of water hit my head and I looked up at the sky. Dark clouds were gathering and it was beginning to rain.

“Wanna head inside?” Louis asked, noticing the clouds. As soon as I nodded, rain began to pour. I squealed and Louis laughed as we ran up to the flat.

When we reached the door we paused, knowing what would be waiting for us in there.

“Are you ready for this?” Louis asked, grabbing a hold of the door knob. I nodded. He opened the door and was immediately tackled to the ground by four extremely hyper guys. I laughed as I watched Harry ruffle Louis’s hair. I waited for them to calm down a little before clearing my throat. They stood up, still laughing. Harry walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

“Hey Val,” he said, smiling, “How’d it go?”

“Great,” I said, “It was amazing.” Harry pulled me into the flat and the rest of the guys followed. That’s when I remembered…

“Hey, Harry,” I whispered to him, “Could I talk to you upstairs for a moment?” He looked a little confused, but nodded. I walked over to Louis and kissed him on the cheek. The guys whooped and whistled and I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll be right back,” I said and he nodded. Harry and I walked upstairs and we went into my room. When we walked inside, I closed the door and locked it. I turned back to Harry, who was sitting on my bed, looking a little confused and worried.

“Val?” he started, “Is something wrong?” I took a deep breath and began.

“Alright, so Louis took me to this animal shelter.” Harry nodded like he knew that already, “And we had just gone into the dog room. There was a guy in there taking care of one of the puppies and when he introduced himself I recognized his voice, only I couldn’t put a finger on it.” Harry nodded again, only this time, more worry replaced the confusion on his face, “Louis was playing with one of the puppies and this guy started talking to me and, Harry…” I felt tears start streaming down my face, “It was him.”

Him? As in the guy who kidnapped you?” Harry asked as quietly as he could. I nodded. I saw Harry clench his fists and he was breathing heavily, “Did you tell Louis?” he asked. I shook my head.

“I was going to,” I explained, “But he said that if I told Louis, things wouldn’t end well.” Harry nodded. He was biting his lip, like he sometimes did when he was thinking hard.

“Did he say what his name was?” Harry asked. He was staring at the ground.

“Richard Calder.” Harry looked up at me, shock taking over as the dominant emotion on his face.

“Calder?” Harry asked, “As in Eleanor Calder?” I nodded.

“He’s her uncle,” I said. Harry rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath, “Harry, Richard only said that I couldn’t tell Louis, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t,” I said. Harry nodded, stood up, and started pacing, “Should I go and get him?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Harry said. He was nearly pulling his hair out. I opened the door and walked out of the room, only to run into Liam, who had been eavesdropping.

“Really Liam?” I asked, a little annoyed. I kind of expected one of them would be eavesdropping, it happened all the time. I just hadn’t expected it to be Liam. Then I saw the look on his face: pure anger, “Liam?” I asked cautiously, “Did you hear all of that?” He nodded and I sighed, “Why don’t you go and join Harry then?” He nodded again and walked into my room.

I headed down the stairs and nearly ran into Louis, who was just about to walk up the stairs.

“Oh,” he said, “Hey Val, everything okay?”

“Um, kind of,” I said, “Listen; I need you to come upstairs for a moment.” He raised an eyebrow.

“Okay?” He followed me upstairs into my room and when he saw a pacing Harry and a very pissed off Liam, he looked scared, “Um, I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

“No,” Harry said, “You didn’t do anything, but Liam and I do need to talk to you about something.”


“Well, you remember that guy Richard from the animal shelter?” Liam asked, calm enough to talk now. Louis nodded.

“What about him?”

“He’s the one that kidnapped Valerie.”

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