Chapter 23: Date

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Valerie’s POV:

I walked down the stairs and looked around the living room. My eyes immediately rested on Louis. He had his back turned to me and he was staring at the wall. I cleared my throat and he turned to me. His smile grew bigger.

“Hey Val,” he said, walking over to me, “You look amazing.” I felt myself blush.

“Thank you,” I said, “You don’t look too bad yourself.” Louis walked over to the door and opened it for me. He did this overdramatic wave and bowed.

“After you, m’lady,” he said. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Why, thank you kind sir,” I said, curtsying.

We stepped outside and Louis and I began walking down the street. We slipped on our sunglasses, even though it was dusk. We could never be too careful in public.

“So, where are we headed?” I asked.

“Now, what kind of surprise would it be if I told you?” Louis asked. I rolled my eyes and I heard Louis chuckle.

We continued to walk down the road, talking about little things on the way. But for some reason, I couldn’t relax. I had a strange feeling we were being followed. I looked behind us and all I saw was a man in a long coat looking at a poster hung up on a nearby building. I shrugged it off, turned forward, and grabbed Louis’s hand. He looked at me and I saw his eyebrows furrow.

“You alright Val?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said, “I guess I’m just being a little paranoid.” Louis raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. We turned a corner and Louis stopped walking.

“We’re here,” he said. I looked around. The only buildings around were an animal shelter, a Chinese restaurant, and a bookstore.

“Where?” I asked. Louis smiled and took my hand. He pulled me into the animal shelter and up to the front desk. There was a teenage girl sitting at the desk, typing away on the computer.

“May I help you?” she asked before she looked up. When she did her eyes went wide, “You’re- you- you’re…”

“Louis Tomlinson…” Louis finished for her, “Of One Direction. And this is Valerie, Harry’s sister.” Louis motioned to me. The girl nodded, then shook her head, trying to clear it.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, it’s just... big fan,” she said.

“No problem,” Louis said, smiling at her.

“Um, anyways, I’m Sophie, I volunteer here,” Sophie introduced herself, “What can I do for you two?”

“I was wondering if we could maybe spend some time with the animals,” Louis said. Sophie nodded and led us to the back room.

“So we’re visiting the animals?” I asked Louis.

“Yeah,” Louis said, “I’ve always liked animals and Harry said you love them. He even said you like cats even more than he does.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say more than he does,” I said, “But it’s probably a close tie.”

“So,” Sophie said, “Where to first? Dogs or cats?”

“Val? Where would you like to go first?” Louis asked me.

“Cats,” I replied immediately. Louis chuckled and Sophie opened a door on the left side of the hallway. She stepped to the side and let us in first. We walked into the room and I giggled at what I saw; I couldn’t help it, it was just so cute!

On the floor were at least fifteen kittens, all playing together. One of the kittens broke away from the playing and walked up to me. It was purring as it rubbed its face against my ankle. I giggled and picked it up. Louis smiled and scratched its head, making it purr louder.

“Aww,” Sophie said, walking into the room and closing the door behind her, “That’s Darcy. She’s probably the most playful out of all of the kittens. She’s always teasing the male kittens too.” Louis and I looked at each other and started laughing. Darcy stopped purring, meowed, and sniffed the air.

“Does she remind you of someone we know?” Louis asked.

“Hmm, my flirtatious twin brother?” I replied.

“Yes it would be,” Louis said, tickling Darcy’s chin. She meowed again and started purring again, “You know what Harry wants to name his first daughter, right?”

“Let me guess,” I said, “Darcy?”


“You know,” I said, “This little one would be perfect for him.” I spotted a laser pointer on top of one of the cages and pointed it out to Louis. He saw it, picked it up and turned it on. The kittens immediately stopped playing and watched the small red dot on the wall. Louis twitched the laser and the kittens' head moved with the light. Darcy reached out with her paws and tried swiping at it.

We stayed in the cat room for about half an hour. Louis kept using the laser pointer and we watched as the kittens ran around the room trying to catch the laser. Sophie stayed in the room with us and took care of the older cats while we kept the kittens occupied.

“Hey, why don’t we head over to the dogs?” Louis suggested. I nodded and set Darcy down. I was a little reluctant to set her down; I had really gotten attached to her in the past half hour, and she was just so adorable! Louis seemed to sense my reluctance and he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, “Don’t worry love. We can come back later to visit her.”

“Alright,” I said, “Now let’s go see those dogs.” Louis kept his arm around me as Sophie led us to the dogs’ room.

When she opened the door, there was already a man in there, taking care of one of the puppies.

“Oh, hey Richard,” Sophie said, “I thought you weren’t going to come in until later.”

“Hi Sophie,” Richard said. I recognized his voice from somewhere and it sent chills down my spine, “I decided to come in early and take care of Rex here. Good thing I did too, his sneezing seems to be getting worse.”

“Aw, let me see him,” Sophie said. She held her arms out for Rex and Richard handed him to her, “Oh Richard, this is Louis Tomlinson and Valerie Styles. Louis, Valerie, this is Richard Calder.”

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