Chapter 43: The Call

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Harry’s POV:

“We’re getting nowhere guys!” I said, breathing hard. We had been searching for an hour already and I was getting winded.

“I know Harry, but we have to keep looking,” Liam said. We all had our disguises on, we couldn’t get recognized today, we couldn’t afford to lose time.

My phone went off and I recognized it was Louis’s ringtone. I quickly pulled out my phone and answered it.

“Louis?! Where are you?” I asked. There was nothing but shuffling, until I heard Valerie cry out in pain, “Valerie!” I yelled. The others turned to me.

“Harry…?” Liam started but I cut him off. I put my phone on speaker and we listened.

“Stop struggling,” Eleanor hissed, “Or I’ll bring out a friend of mine. I’m sure he’d like to meet you.” As soon as I heard Eleanor’s voice, I began to record this conversation. I heard Valerie whimper. There were footsteps, and then Eleanor spoke again.

“Lou,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice, “Breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life. It really was.”
“Go to hell!” Louis yelled. There was a loud slapping sound and I winced.

“Don’t talk to me like that,” Eleanor hissed.

“Like hell I won’t! What the fuck Eleanor? Didn’t you get the hint the first time you talked to me? Remember that?”

“Oh, I remember,” Eleanor said. There were more footsteps. There was a moment of silence. Then, Louis spoke the words I was hoping I wouldn’t hear.

“Eleanor,” Louis said, “Put the gun down.” I looked up at the others. Liam was wide eyed, Zayn looked pissed, and Niall was biting his nails. Danielle’s face was full of worry and Perrie was biting her lip. There were more footsteps.

“Louis,” Eleanor hissed, “You will be mine again, no matter what I have to do, you will be mine.” There was silence for a moment, then a clicking sound. It was quiet again, until Louis screamed in pain.

“No biting,” Eleanor said. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Of course Louis would try biting her. Valerie started screaming. I heard Eleanor sigh and there was a shuffling sound.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said. There were more footsteps and the sound of a door closing.

“Valerie,” Louis spoke up. His voice was an octave higher than it normally was. Niall’s eyes went wide when he realized why, “We’ll get out of here. I promise, we’ll get out of here somehow.” A door opened and there were two sets of footsteps. A man spoke.

“Nice to see you again too Valerie,” he said, “I’m sure Richard would be happy to know you’re back where you belong.” I ground my teeth together. There was a pause.

“Keep your hands off her!” Louis yelled. Valerie started screaming and there was the sound of shuffling and a door closing.

“Please, just let her go,” Louis begged, “It’s me you want, not her. Please.” Valerie started screaming again and I closed my eyes tight as a tear fell. Someone put a hand on my back and I opened my eyes to see Liam looking at me.

“We can trace the call,” he said, softly, “We’ll find them.” There was silence on the other side of the call.

“What was that?” Eleanor asked. We froze.

“What was what?” Louis asked, sounding panicked.

“I heard Liam…” she said. My eyes went wide and Liam put a hand over his mouth.

“You must be hearing things.”

“I know when you’re lying Louis, just tell me and no one gets hurt.”

“There’s nothing to tell!” I heard quick footsteps and Louis gasp, “Get your hand out of there!” There was a pause.

“You butt dialed Harry…” Eleanor said.

“It was an accident, I swear!” Louis cried out. Louis’s shouts of protest grew quieter. A door opened and Valerie’s screams were louder.

“Hey Sam,” Eleanor said, “I need to use Valerie for a moment.” There were more footsteps and the door closed, “So Harry, how long have you been listening?” Eleanor asked. We were all silent.

“Hmm, you aren’t there anymore? Oh, well, I guess you won’t be able to know I did this…” There was a gunshot and Valerie screamed.

“VALERIE!” Louis screamed.

“Eleanor! Stop!” I yelled.

“Ah, I knew that would get you to speak,” Eleanor said, “I just wanted to let you know, if you or any of the boys even try to come looking for these two, there won’t be much left of your sister.”

“Fine,” I said weakly. Valerie whimpered softly. Where did Eleanor shoot Valerie?

“Good, now that that’s settled, I have some unfinished business to attend to. Sam, you can come back in!”

The call ended and I stopped recording it. I looked up at the others, who all looked pale.

“Harry,” Liam started, “I’m sorry, if I had known she could hear me-”

“It’s not your fault,” I said, “Louis probably accidently butt dialed the call to speaker.”

“We need to track the call,” Niall reminded us. Liam called Paul and he tracked Louis’s cell phone to an abandoned warehouse, just outside of the city. We quickly got back to the hotel. After persuading Danielle and Perrie to stay at the hotel, Paul, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I hopped into the van and sped off for the warehouse to meet the police there.

Never Broken (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon