Chapter 45: Shortage

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Louis's POV:

I was exhausted. It was a relief to go to sleep and escape from the nightmare. Now, if only I could take Valerie out of the nightmare as well.

I was in this half-awake, half-asleep stage, where you still feel like you're sleeping, but you can still hear what's being said around you, and right now, I was listening to the doctor talk to Paul.

"Just keep an eye on him, okay? The lack of oxygen he experienced may make him a little slow on making decisions and moving around."

"Alright, is there anything else we should keep an eye out for?"

"If he feels light headed, nauseous, or if he feels warm for no reason at all, he may faint. Let him rest if he feels like this at all."

"And that's all?"

"Yeah, let me know when he wakes up, I'll check his vitals and if he's alright, he can go."

"Thanks doc."

It was silent for a while after that. I fell deeper into sleep and was almost entirely asleep when I heard the words that made me wake up.

"We have information on Ms. Styles."

I sat up quickly and Harry's head fell off of my shoulder. He cried out when he woke up and woke up Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I, on the other hand, instantly felt dizzy and nauseous. I groaned and laid back on the bed.

"Careful there Louis," Paul said.

"Yeah, no kidding," I groaned, rubbing my forehead. I glanced over at the doctor, who looked apologetic.

"Sorry," she said, "I'm assuming you're the boyfriend."

"Yeah," I said.

"What was that you said about information on Valerie?" Harry asked.

"Well, she just came out of surgery," the doctor said, "She's doing fine right now, but there's one issue."

"And that would be?" Harry asked.

"Well, Valerie lost quite a bit of blood," the doctor explained, "Normally we would give her type O blood right away, but we're running dangerously low on that blood type right now."

"Can't you give her another blood type?" Liam asked. The doctor just shook her head.

"She has type O blood," she said, "And type O blood is all she can receive." We processed this information for a second, then Harry spoke up.

"Test my blood," he said.

"Mine too," I said. Niall told her to do the same, but Zayn and Liam shook their heads.

"Type B," Zayn said.

"AB," Liam said.

"Are you sure about this boys?" the doctor asked Harry, Niall, and I. We nodded, "Alright, I'll have a nurse come in soon to take blood samples." She turned and walked out of the room. Paul went to find my doctor.

In about five minutes, a nurse came in and took a quick blood sample from Harry, Niall, and I.

"Alright," the nurse said after taking the samples, "In a few hours, we should have the results for all of you." She walked out of the room and my doctor walked into the room.

"How're you feeling Mr. Tomlinson?" he asked.

"Fine," I quickly replied. Paul raised an eyebrow.

"And how did you feel when you woke up?" Paul asked me.

"A little nauseous," I said hesitantly. My doctor nodded and took note of that.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked. I nodded, "Alright then, I'll just take your vitals and we'll see if you can leave."

In a matter of five minutes, I was cleared to leave. Paul handed me a set of my clothes and I quickly changed while he filled out my discharge papers.

Soon, the six of us were walking out of that room and up to Valerie's. When we got there, Harry and I immediately sat on either side of the bed. She looked so peaceful, but she was so pale.

"I hope one of us has the right blood type," Harry whispered.

"Me too," I whispered back.

Two hours passed and Harry was getting antsy. He couldn't sit still much longer. Although, the same could be said for half of us, more specifically, Niall and I. We just wanted to know if we could help.

Valerie still hadn't woken up and I was getting seriously worried. I just hoped that when, if, one of us gave her blood, she'd wake up.

There was a knock at the door and Valerie's doctor came in.

"Good news," she said, smiling, "We found a match." The doctor turned to me.

"Mr. Tomlinson, you up for donating some blood?"


Okay, siblings, yes even twins, DON'T necessarily have the same blood type. Fraternal twins have just as much chance to have a different blood type as non-twin siblings.  I have done the research, I wouldn't put anything like that into my stories without doing the research.

(someone made a point that yahoo answers isn't an accurate source so here's a better one)

Never Broken (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora