Chapter 41: Gone Again

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Valerie’s POV:

“Well, all we can do now is wait,” Liam said. Louis was getting antsy and I knew that he just wanted to get out of this hotel room as soon as possible. He abruptly stood up and started walking to the door, but Liam stopped him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Liam asked.

“To talk to Paul,” Louis responded, “I can’t stay still much longer Liam. Just please, let me talk to him.” Liam looked at me, asking for help. I sighed.

“I’ll go with you Louis,” I said, standing up, “You probably shouldn’t go anywhere alone.” Liam sighed and got out of Louis’s way. Louis smiled at me as I took his hand. We both walked out of the door and into the hallway. There were two security guards, one on each side of the door.

“Mr. Tomlinson,” the one to the right said, nodding his head.

“Hey,” Louis said, “Do you know where Paul is?”

“In his room,” the left one said, “Room 314.” Louis thanked them and we walked down the hallway and turned a corner.

“You know,” Louis said, “I was just thinking. We haven’t told the fans about us yet. I’m sure they have their suspicions, with all the times we’ve been spotted together, but I was wondering if we should confirm it.”

“I don’t know,” I said, “Do you think we should?”

“Only if you’re ready for it,” he said, “When we do confirm it, there’s no escaping the paps, and there will be hate from the fans, more than just the hate for being Harry’s sister.” I thought about it as we continued walking down the hallway. The hate had gotten to me before, but I felt like I could handle it now. Plus, I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the fans thinking he was still available. It was definitely time to confirm our relationship.

“I’m ready,” I said and Louis smiled.

“Alright,” he said, still beaming, “After everything calms down, we’ll announce it. Sound good to you?”

Before I could respond someone put a hand over my mouth. I breathed in to scream, but instantly felt sleepy. I grew weak and looked over to Louis. Someone was holding a cloth to his mouth and Louis, who was holding his breath, was turning red. He struggled to get away from the person, but when he couldn’t hold his breath anymore, he breathed in and he stopped struggling. My eyes began to close.

“That’s right Styles,” a familiar voice hissed, “Just go to sleep.”

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

Harry’s POV:

It had been an hour since Louis and Val left to go talk to Paul and I was getting worried.

“When are they coming back?” I asked. Liam shrugged, but he looked worried too.

“I’m gonna call Paul,” Niall said, taking out his phone, “Maybe they’re with him.” He walked out of the hallway and the room was quiet for a while. I tapped my fingers on the table I was sitting at. Why did I have a bad feeling about this?

Niall came back into the room.

“Paul hasn’t seen them,” Niall said, “But the guards outside saw them walking to Paul’s room.” I looked up at him and tried standing up, but Zayn stopped me.

“Harry, your leg,” he said. I huffed and grabbed my crutches.

“Why don’t we walk to Paul’s room?” Danielle suggested, “Maybe we’ll figure out where they went along the way.” We agreed and made our way out of the room. We turned the corner in the hallway and I watched the ground as I hopped ahead of the others. If I hadn’t been looking at the ground, I don’t think anyone would have noticed this…

“Guys,” I said, staring at the carpet, “There are tracks on the carpet.” There were two trails on the carpet where it looked like something had been dragged across it. The others noticed this too and exchanged glances. I looked around for something else to help us. My eyes rested on a camera at the end of the hallway.

“There’s a camera up there,” I said, “Maybe we can get Paul to look at the tape.” We quickly rushed to Paul’s room and only had to knock once before he opened the door.

“Paul, you can get access to the security cameras, right?” Liam asked. Paul nodded, “Could you get the tape for the camera at the end of the hall?” Paul nodded again and let us in his room.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, and he left.

Paul returned half an hour later with a tape in hand.

“Alright,” he said, putting the tape in the VCR, “Let’s take a look.”

He fast forwarded through most of the day, until he got to an hour ago. Val and Louis were walking down the hall, hand in hand.

“Well, they were definitely on their way here,” Niall said. We continued to watch as they made their way down the hallway. Two people dressed in black, carrying something white, came into view. We watched as they snuck up behind Val and Louis.

“Oh my God,” Perrie breathed, her hand over her mouth. The people in black held the cloths to Val and Louis’s mouths. Val went limp almost instantly while Louis thrashed around, trying to escape. Eventually though, he went limp as well. The people in black dragged them away, but one of them looked up and their face was shown.




It was Eleanor.

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