Chapter 26: Search for Justice

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Louis’s POV:

I grew more and more angry as Harry and Liam explained to me who Richard was. That bastard…

“The reason Valerie didn’t tell you right away was because he said that he would hurt someone if she told you,” Harry was explaining, “Which is why she told me first, so that I could tell you. And then Liam heard it while she was explaining it to me.” He pointed to Liam, who was still fuming. My face had to be bright red at this point.

“Are we going to call the cops?” I asked. Liam, Harry, and Val nodded. Harry pulled out his phone and stepped outside the room. Liam followed him out. I turned to Val and saw that she was crying. I went over to her and wiped a tear away.

“Hey,” I said and she looked up at me. Her eyes were red, “It’s going to be alright, they’re going to get him.” She nodded and looked at the ground. I pulled her closer to me and she cried into my chest.

“I’m sorry,” I heard her whisper.

“Shh, you have nothing to apologize for.”

“I lied to you,” she said, “And I hate lying.”

“I’m not mad at you about that love,” I said, “I’m actually proud of you. You found a way around his threats. And now, the police will be able to catch him. You have nothing to be upset about.” She looked up at me and she smiled.

“You always know how to make me feel better,” she said. I kissed her forehead.

“I’m glad I can help,” I said, smiling, “Should we go downstairs?” Val nodded and we held hands as we walked downstairs. Zayn and Niall were waiting for us at the bottom.

“Um, we heard what happened,” Niall said as he stared at his shoes.

“I hope that son of a bitch gets what he deserves…” Zayn mumbled. I patted him on the back.

“We all do Zayn,” I said, “We all do.” We all headed to the living room and sat down on the safe. Niall put a movie on and we began to watch it. Liam and Harry came downstairs and sat down, Harry next to Val, Liam next to me.

“Alright,” Harry started, “So the police are on the lookout for Richard and when they have any updates, they’ll call us.” We nodded and turned our attention back to the movie, hoping to keep ourselves preoccupied while we waited.

We were a few minutes into the movie when someone’s phone went off and we all jumped.

“Sorry,” Zayn said, “It’s Perrie; she says she’s on her way over.” Val smiled and nodded.

“Hey, do you think Eleanor knew anything about this?” Liam asked.

“I hope not,” Harry said, “If she did, she’s gonna have some explaining to do.”

It was silent and after a few more minutes, the front door opened and Perrie walked in.

“Hey, I heard what was going on,” she said, “Anything I can do to help?”

“No, we’re just waiting for the police to call now,” Liam said.

“Alright,” Perrie said, “Hey Val, you wanna come with me upstairs?”

“Sure.” Val got up and followed Perrie upstairs.

Val’s POV:

“So,” Perrie started as soon as we were in my room, “How’re you holding up?”

“I’m fine,” I said, “Now.”

“Were you not okay before?”

“Richard said that he would do something if I told Louis, so I had to lie to him. I just don’t like lying and I was upset about it before.” Perrie nodded.

“I can understand that,” she said, “How about we talk about something else now? How’d the date with Louis go? Minus the whole Richard thing…”

“It was great,” I said, smiling, “We had a great time. He took me to an animal shelter and we played with the kittens and puppies. We even found one kitten named Darcy who’s just meant to be adopted by Harry!” Perrie laughed at that.

“Maybe we should adopt her for him,” she said. I agreed.

“Maybe the rest of you can get her for Harry’s and my birthday in Feburary,” I suggested.

“I’ll talk to the others about that,” she said. We talked for an hour or two and when I next looked at the time, it was ten.

“Gosh, it’s getting late,” I said, yawning. There was a knock at the door. I opened the door and Louis was standing at the door.

“Hey Val,” he said, wrapping an arm around my waist, “Perrie, Zayn’s asking for you.”

“Alright,” Perrie said, “I’ll just leave you two alone now.” She winked as she walked out of the room and I rolled my eyes. Louis just chuckled as he closed the door.

“That’s Perrie for you,” he said, “Now, I’m tired, what about you?” I nodded. Louis picked me up.

“Oh come on Louis,” I said, laughing, “I can walk to my bed on my own.”

“I know,” he said as he set me down on the bed. He then walked over to the light switch and turned off the light. Then, he ran and jumped over me onto the other side of the bed. I was laughing the whole time and when he settled himself down, I felt him snake his arms around me, pulling me closer.

“You know Val,” he said, “No matter what happens, I’ll always be here to protect you.”

“I know Louis,” I said, “And I’m not saying that I’ll be able to protect you if anything happened, but I will be by your side through it all.” He kissed the top of my head and he began to hum to the tune of ‘Little Things’. My eyes began to close and just before I fell asleep, I heard Louis whisper, “Sweet dreams, Val,” in my ear.

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