Chapter 2: Confessions

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Harry’s POV:

“Anything?” I asked, hoping that my mother would say something different than the last time. Something different than every time I asked her this question. I heard her sigh.

“Still nothing Harry, I’m sorry,” she said. I closed my eyes tight and sighed.

“Alright mum, I should get going. The lads are waiting.”

“Okay. Bye, Harry.”

“Bye, Mum.” I pressed the end button on my phone and threw it to the side. Whenever I had a chance, I called my mum, asking her the same question: had they heard anything about Valerie. The answer was always the same: nothing.

I wasn't one to show my emotions a lot, but when it came to Valerie, the guilt ate me up inside. I composed myself and stood up. I walked out of my room and into the living room. Liam was watching a movie and Louis was sitting on the ground, eating popcorn. When I walked into the room, Louis looked up.

“Hey, Haz,” he said, smiling at me.

“Hey,” I replied, my voice cracking a little. Damn it... Liam looked up at me.

“Harry? What’s the matter?” he asked, looking concerned. I didn’t reply.

“Haz,” Louis started. He got up off of the floor and came over to me. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, trying to find something, anything that would give a hint as to what was bothering me, “You can tell us anything, mate. You know that right?” I nodded. I still hadn’t told them about Valerie, it was a touchy subject. But, it was about time I told them.

“I know,” I replied, “I haven’t told you guys something. Something that I probably should have told you all a while ago, but before I say anything, Niall and Zayn should be here to hear it. I don’t want to have to explain twice.” Liam got up and went to the kitchen to pull Niall and Zayn away from whatever they were doing.

Louis led me to the sofa and we both sat down. I was staring at my hands, fighting to keep myself together. Liam came in, dragging Niall and Zayn into the room. They were telling Liam off for pulling them away from what they were doing, but when they saw my face, they stopped immediately.

“Harry?” Niall asked. Louis motioned for them all to sit down and when they did, I sighed heavily.

“Now, what was it you wanted to tell us?” Liam asked, leaning forward. I took a shaky breath, trying to calm myself down.

“Alright, so, you guys all know my family, my mum, stepdad, and Gemma, right?” They nodded, waiting for me to continue.

“Well, there’s something you don’t know about, actually I should say someone you don’t know,” I said. I looked up at them, only to see confusion.

“What do you mean by that?” Zayn asked.

“Gemma isn’t my only sister,” I said. Their faces changed from confusion to surprise, but I ignored that and continued, “When I was fifteen, my family and I used to always spend time at a park near our house. One time we went there and Valerie and I split off from gemma and our mum and stepdad and as we were heading back Valerie was taken. When I realized she was gone, I back tracked, looking around for her, and a few minutes later I saw here being pulled into a black van by a masked man.” My voice began to falter. I looked down and Louis started rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. I took another shaky breath.

“God, I'll never forget the look in her eyes when she saw me. I tried to get to the van but it sped off before I could get there. I haven't seen her since.” I stopped talking and looked back up at everyone. Niall, being the most sensitive out of all the five of us, had tears welling up in his eyes, but he didn’t let them fall. Liam looked as though he was deep in thought. Zayn was staring at nothing, letting my words sink in. Louis just looked at me, worry in his eyes.

“So you haven’t seen her for three years?” Louis asked. I nodded.

“There’s one more thing too,” I started. The boys looked up at me, not knowing what else I could throw at them. It was the reason why we were so close before all of this, the reason I was tearing myself apart over all this.

“Valerie and I are twins.”

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