Chapter 1: Broken

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Valerie’s POV:

I was shaking, shivering, curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. Footsteps from upstairs echoed in the dark emptiness that was my prison. I heard the door open and the footsteps came closer. I shut my eyes tight, knowing what was coming next.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me across the room. I was screaming, but I had learned not to struggle. It would only cause me more pain.

I was thrown against a wall and my head hit the solid concrete. I cried out in pain. I glanced up at my attacker, the man who had been my nightmare for three years. The man who had taken my innocence, torn my life to pieces, and taken me from those I loved. He took a step towards me and I flinched. He pulled me up and began his fun, my torture.

This is what has happened every day for the past three years; he would beat me and violate me, tell me I was a worthless slut and that no one even missed me. Tears welled up in my eyes and I blacked out.

I should explain myself. I’m Valerie, Valerie Styles. I’m 18 years old and I’ve been missing for the past three years.

When I was 15, I was taken away from my family. My mum, my stepdad, my sister Gemma, and my twin brother Harry. I don’t want to go into too many details about that day just yet, I’m not ready, and I may never be. I don’t even remember most of what happened that day. The one thing that I remember clearly though, is the look on my brother’s face, just before I was thrown into the back of a black van, as he saw me be taken away. When I saw his face, I thought that there was some hope. He would be able to tell our parents what happened, and they would never stop looking for me.

That was three years ago. Now, I’m not so sure. They’ve probably lost the hope of ever finding me. If they have, I couldn’t blame them; I would have too.

I woke up and almost immediately, I was in excruciating pain. He had done it again, just like every other day. It was all too much. I had been holding onto some faith, some hope that I would be found. But everything at that moment was just too much. The tears started to fall, and there was no stopping them. I had promised myself that I would never be broken, but I couldn’t stop it. It was official; he had finally broken me.

Never Broken (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant