Chapter 13: Nightmare

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Valerie’s POV:

We had just gotten back from Nando’s and I was laying on my bed, thinking about how much better my life had been since I found Harry. I was finally with my brother again and I had the support of the lads. As long as I was with them, I could ignore most of the pain I felt. Most.

I turned onto my side and sighed. I was seriously tired. It hadn’t been a long day or anything like that; I just hadn’t gotten a great night’s sleep in three years, and lying on a bed like this, I could almost hear the soft pillows calling for me to sleep. I crawled under the covers and stared up at the ceiling. I was a little afraid to close my eyes; ever since I escaped, I had been having nightmares about him, in which he found me and took me away again.

Maybe tonight would be different. I mean, I wasn’t in the hospital anymore, and I had the guys to help me if anything happened. I closed my eyes and hoping that just for tonight, I could escape the nightmares.

Louis’s POV:

I was woken up by something poking my back. I reached behind me and pulled out the TV remote. I looked around the dimly lit room, trying to remember where I was. Oh yeah, the boys went to bed early and Harry and I had stayed up to watch a movie. I guess we must have fallen asleep while watching it, because Harry was snoring on the sofa and the DVD menu was replaying over and over again.

I shut off the TV and stood up. I stretched and was about to walk upstairs when I heard a scream.

It was Valerie.

I grabbed the TV remote from the table and threw it at Harry, who sat up and glared at me, his eyes wishing me a thousand deaths for disrupting his beauty sleep.

“What?” he growled.

“I heard a scream, it’s Val-” I was cut off by another scream. Harry seemed to fly off the sofa as he stood up and hopped to the stairs. I was quicker though and raced up the stairs into Valerie’s room.

She had woken up and she was shivering. I felt a pang in my chest seeing her so terrified like this. She turned to face me and I saw her eyes tearing up. I walked over to her and sat on her bed. Almost immediately, she wrapped her arms around me and started crying into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

“Shh, Val, it’s okay, shh.”

“He was here Louis. He- he found me and he- he-” she stuttered and couldn’t continue.

“It was only a nightmare Val,” I reminded her. I pulled back a bit and looked her in the eyes, “He’s not here Val, and he will never, ever take you away again. I won’t let that happen.” She smiled a little and wiped the tears away.

I looked back at the door and saw the other lads standing in the doorway. Harry was in front and he was looking between Valerie and I. We met eyes and he gave a small smile and mouthed ‘Thank You’. I nodded.

“Why don’t you guys go back to bed?” I suggested, “I’ll stay here for a little while and make sure she’s okay.” Niall and Zayn, who were so tired they looked like the walking dead, nodded and shuffled back to their rooms. Liam and Harry hesitated, looking at Valerie, like they wanted to do or say something to help.

“I’ve got this guys, go on,” I said. Harry nodded, turned around, and started hopping out of the room and down the hallway, “Liam, why don’t you make sure Harry doesn’t kill himself on the way down the steps?” I said. As if to prove me right, I heard a yelp from down the hall and a sigh of relief. Liam left immediately to make sure Harry was still alive.

I turned back to Valerie. She was smiling a little; she must have gotten some amusement out of Harry’s near-death-experience.

“Are you okay Val?” I asked. She nodded. I started to stand before she grabbed my wrist. I turned back to her and she looked up at me. Our eyes met and I couldn't help but notice just how beautiful a shade of green they were. We just looked into each other's eyes for a moment and then Valerie spoke up.

“Could you stay here with me tonight?” I nodded and sat back down on the bed. We laid down and I heard Valerie sigh. I looked over at her and saw her staring at me.

“You sure you’re okay?” I asked her. I studied her face as she nodded; looking for any sign that she was lying. I didn’t see any, “Alright, why don’t you go to sleep now, alright?” Valerie nodded again and closed her eyes. A few minutes later, she was fast asleep.

I kept watching her as she slept. Yeah, I know, that sounds creepy, but I couldn’t help myself. She just looked so beautiful. It was at that moment, that I realized that Harry was right. I was falling for Valerie.

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