Chapter 3: Comfort

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Louis’s POV:

Did he just say twin? Did I hear that right?

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner Haz?” I asked. He was shaking and I rubbed his back to try and comfort him. None of us were used to seeing Harry like this, normally he was carefree and cheery and now... he just looked so fragile, talking about his sister and what happened to her.

“Valerie is kind of a- a sensitive subject for me,” he said, his words barely audible, “I’ve felt guilty for not getting to her in time. I just feel like I could have done something, anything. I could have-”

“No,” Liam cut him off, “Harry, if you had gotten there before they took off with Valerie, you would have probably been taken too. Yes, you’d be with Valerie, but at what price? Your freedom? Your family? Your life?” Liam stood up, walked over to Harry, who now had tears rolling down his cheeks, and knelt next to him, “You would never have met us and One Direction would have never existed. Don’t blame yourself for what happened to Valerie, okay? It wasn’t your fault.” He hugged Harry and Harry buried his face into Liam’s shoulder and cried. I joined in on the hug.

“Aw, Harry! Don’t cry!” Niall said, tears in his eyes as well. He and Zayn ran over to Liam, Harry, and I and joined in on the group hug.

After a few moments of this, Harry had calmed down and was trying to pry himself out of our arms.

“Uh, guys,” he said, “You’re suffocating me.” I chuckled as I let go of him and we all stepped back. Harry gave a weak smile.

“Does anyone know who the guy was?” Zayn asked. Harry’s smile faded and he shook his head.

“There’s nothing to go on except what I saw.”

“Did you see a license plate?” Liam asked, trying to figure something out.

“I must have, but I don’t remember the number.”

Liam looked at Harry, then at me and motioned for me to take Harry upstairs. I got up and looked at Harry. He looked like he needed some sleep, desperately. Who knows how much sleep he's lost over this whole thing with his sister... I pulled him up and we walked upstairs into his room. He and I sat down on his bed. Harry just fell back and stared at the ceiling.

“Do you have a picture of her?” I asked. He looked at me and slowly nodded. He got up and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a black book. He came back to the bed, sat down, and started flipping through the pages. It was a picture album.

He turned one more page and handed me the book, pointing to one of the pictures. It was of Harry and a girl who looked a lot like him. Actually, it was uncanny just how alike the two looked. Their eyes were even the same shade of green. The only difference I could find between the two was that her hair was a little lighter shade of brown than Harry’s.

“You two look so alike.”

“I know,” Harry said, letting a small smile form on his face. Then he sighed and let the smile fade.

“You should get some sleep Haz,” I said, getting up. He nodded and almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was snoring. I walked out of the room, making sure to shut the door as quietly as I could, and headed downstairs.

“Is he okay?” Liam asked from the sofa. I nodded.

“He’s asleep now.”

"Good, he needs the rest. Who knows how long hes been losing sleep over what happened.” I nodded.

After about an hour we headed up to our rooms for the night. I walked into my room, dragging my feet behind me. I fell back into my bed, wrapped myself in the warm duvet, and grabbed my football shaped pillow. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

What seemed like only an hour later, I woke up to the sound of Harry’s screams.

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