Chapter 33: Shallow Waters

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Valerie’s POV:
We heard the splash and looked over at the boys. We burst out laughing when we saw that Zayn had fallen in the pond. Liam was trying to help him out of the pond and Niall was literally rolling on the ground, clutching his sides.
“We’d better go help,” Louis said, still laughing, “Zayn can’t swim.” We got up and walked over to the pond, next to Liam who was reaching for Zayn’s arm.
“Zayn stop freaking out!” Liam said through his gritted teeth. Niall had stopped laughing and went to go and get Harry. Louis and I kneeled on the ground and reached for Zayn.
“Zayn, seriously, stop freaking out and take one of our hands!” I yelled at him. Zayn tried to reach for my hand. He lunged for it, but missed by a hair. Soon after that, he went under.
“Zayn!” we yelled. Damn it, how deep was this pond? There was no sign of Zayn anywhere. Niall and Harry came running up to the pond, out of breath.
“Where’s Zayn?” Harry asked, trying to catch his breath. I ignored the question and began to walk into the pond.
“Val, what’re you doing?” Harry asked. I ignored him again and scanned the water frantically. That’s when I saw him.
“Val…” Liam began to say something, but before he could finish, I had walked over to Zayn and pulled his face above the water.
“Zayn, the water’s only two feet deep, stand up,” I said. Zayn blushed as he stood up and I looked over at the boys as we walked out of the water. They stared at us for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing. By the time we got out of the pond, Harry and Louis were rolling on the ground.
“Now, be nice you two,” I told them, but even I was having trouble holding in my laughs, I was able to do it, until Zayn screamed, “MY HAIR!” After that, we were dying of laughter. Zayn stormed off.
We decided it was time to leave and we walked back to the others, When we got there, Gemma was teasing Zayn about his hair as he frantically tried to fix it and Louis’s mum was fretting over him, making sure he was okay. I caught Louis’s eye and he mouthed, ‘She’s a nurse.” Oh…

“So, how long are you all going to be here?” Louis asked as we walked into the flat. On the way there, we had stopped at a taco place, after Harry’s constant nagging. We set the boxes of food on the table and Harry immediately grabbed his tacos, even faster than Niall grabbed his.
“Well,” Louis’s mum began, “We’re only here for another day.”
“And we can stay for two days, “mum said.
“Cool,” Harry said, his mouth full of taco, “So what’re we gonna do?”
“Well,” Niall said, “I think its best we spend time here at the flat.”
“Why?” I asked. Zayn and Niall exchanged glances.
“Well, we kinda forgot to mention this before,” Niall said, “But our next tour starts in a week. We’ll need to be ready and packed the night before we leave.” Harry began choking on his taco.
“And when,” Liam said, patting Harry on the back, “Did you hear about this?”
“Um, two weeks ago?” Zayn said, smiling apologetically. Liam huffed and rolled his eyes.
“And you didn’t tell us before, why?” Liam asked. Niall and Zayn looked at each other and shrugged.
“We forgot?” Niall said. Liam was giving them a death glare at this point. Niall and Zayn began to back away from Liam. They headed out of the kitchen, Niall grabbing more tacos on the way, and they ran upstairs. Liam rolled his eyes again and went back to eating his tacos, but he was still fuming. After that, we all ate in silence.
When we had finished eating, Liam went to the living room and watched Toy Story, for the millionth time, and Louis’s sisters and mum joined him. Harry stayed in the kitchen to talk to Gemma and our parents. Louis had gone up to his room, saying he was tired. I decided to explore around the flat.
Even though I’d already been here for a while, I hadn’t had a chance to look around.
I walked past my bedroom and opened the door next to it. This HAD to be Zayn’s room. There were bottles of hair care products scattered around the room and there were several mirrors hanging on the walls. I chuckled as I closed the door, and walked to the room on the other side of the hall.
I opened the door and giggled when I saw little turtles on the shelves and a Toy Story pillow on the bed. Liam’s room, of course. I closed the door, walked past Harry and Louis’s rooms and opened the door on the opposite side of the hall.
There was green EVERYWHERE. Little shamrocks were painted on the walls and the pillow on the bed said ‘LEPRACHAUN. If that wasn’t enough for me to know that this was Niall’s room, the empty buckets of Nando’s chicken were.
I closed the door and walked over to the last door at the end of the hallway. I was about to open it when I heard someone in there.

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