Chapter 15: The return to Arendelle

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                  (30 minutes later)

Kristoff held onto Anna  with Okoye  sitting behind him as Sven rushed them back to Arendelle with Olaf gliding on the snow next to them. Anna adjusted the white wig that they were able to get from Oaken's trading post.

Kristoff puts his hat on her head to help her keep it in place. "Just hang in there. We go with whatever Peter has planned, then save Elsa and everyone else in the Kingdom.

"Do you think this will actually work?" Kamala asked Peter as she swings behind Spider-Man.

"I-It's the...only plan we've got, Kamala." Peter says.

Peter feels like everything was getting colder by the minute.

As they go down the hill towards Arendelle, Olaf looses control as he slides down the hill.

"I'll meet you guys at the castle!" Olaf told them as his part of the plan is to find Fitz and being him to the castle.

"Stay out of sight, Olaf!" Kristoff told him as he rides into Arendelle.

"I will!" Olaf slides off into the village streets, only to run into someone almost immediately. "Hello."

A woman screamed. "It's alive!"

"And that failed.", Kamala said as she made her way with Peter to the castle.

The guards notice Kristoff, Okoye and Anna riding towards the castle on Sven, "It's Princess Anna!"

They stopped just outside the castle gates as Kristoff and Okoye jumped off Sven with Anna in Kristoff's arms as she pretended to shiver as they walked her towards the door as the castle gates open.

Just then, two maids and a butler rushed in to help Anna, "Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick."

"My Lady!" Kai gasped as they take Anna from Kristoff's arms and helps her walk through the castle gates. Okoye was right behind them as she went to find T'challa about the situation and what Peter's plan.

Kristoff told him, "Get her warm. And find Prince Hans, immediately."

"We will. And thank you." Kai replied.

"Oh, you poor girl, you're freezing.

"Oh, let's get you inside now and get you warm." As Anna is swept away towards the castle she looks at him before the castle gates shut. Kristoff stands there for a moment looking with worry, finally he turns and walks off with Sven.

He looked around before Peter whispered, "Kristoff! Over here!"

He turned to see Peter and Kamala near the castle gates and ran up to them. "You going to fill me in on the plan yet? Why did we to go through all this?"

"I'll explain later. Now, c'mon, we gotta find Anna and Hans." Peter told him.

Kristoff nodded as he held on to Peter as he and Kamala started to climb up the wall.

"Stay here, Sven, we'll be back." Kristoff told to Sven as they kept going.

Sven nodded as they got inside the gate,Peter then turned to Kristoff and Kamala.

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