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About a month ago was when the Sinister Six has escaped from Rickers Island to take their revenge on Spider-Man. But what no one realized even the inmates and Sinister Six was their was another prisoner that escaped and it was one that Spider-Man didn't want to deal with.

(In the sewers of New York)

In the dark parts of the sewers we see a mysterious figure who was slowly walking toward a small black sludge. Once he bent down to touch it, the sludge started to merge with him and he grew big black suit and formed a white menacing spider logo on his chest and back.

"At long last, I have finally found you. Now that I am back look out, Parker. Eddie and Venom are back!!!!" Venom said with a sinister grin. He then roared really loud throughout the sewers as a mark of his return.

Spider-Man and Elsa will return.

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