Chapter 12: Escaping Marshmallow

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Right outside while Sven is waiting for everyone else, he hears a commotion going on.

Svens see the entrance on what is going on.

He then sees a giant snowman carrying Spider-Man, Anna, Krisoff and Ms. Marvel out the door as a way of kicking them out.

Anna told the snowman, "Stop! Put us down!"

However the snowman told them, "Go away."

The snowman tosses the travelers down the icy steps and they slide down going past Sven, who currently has his tongue stuck to the ice, he then goes to tossed Olaf, "Heads up!"

The snowman tosses Olaf and his head lands first in a snowbank near them as Olaf warned them, "Watch out for my butt!"

As the rest of Olaf's body is thrown out, Anna is furious at bring tossed out by a giant snowman.

"It is not nice to throw people!" Anna exclaimed as she made a snowball to throw at him, but before she could throw it Kristoff and Ms. Marvel stopped her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, feisty-pants." Kristoff said to her as she struggled to get them off of her.

"Let me go!" Anna told them.

Ms. Marvel agreed with Kristoff, "Yeah, let's not tick off the giant snowman."

Kristoff told her, "Okay, relax. Just calm down! Calm down!"

"Okay! Alright! I'm okay." She told them.

Spider-Man added, "Just let the snowman be."

"I'm calm." Anna told them.

Kristoff and Ms. Marvel finally let her go as they turned to leave, "Great."

Suddenly Anna growls angrily and tosses the snowball at the giant snowman as Kristoff, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man complained, "Oh, come on!"

The giant snowman then turns around to see the little snowball come right at him. Right when it hit him on the shoulder, he roared in rage taking off after them.

Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel looked at Anna angrily. "Now look at what you did, you just made him mad!" Spider-Man said to Anna as they ran for cover.

"Let's just go!" Anna said in panick as they began to run.

"I'll distract him! You guys run!" Olaf said to them. Olaf's middle and bottom part then fell and followed them. "No wait! Not you guys!" Olaf shouted to them before his head fell face first as the giant snowman past by him as he chased the group. "This just got a whole lot harder." Olaf muffled in the snow.

Meanwhile Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Kristoff and Anna ran as fast as they could.

This way!" Kristoff told the group

However, Anna spotted something earlier on their adventure. She ran towards the snowy tree which shocks the group.

"Whoa! What are you doing?!" Kristoff asked her.

Anna grabs a branch of a sagging tree and releases all of the snow. The tree snapped upright, knocking the giant back. Kirstoff was impressed as Anna cheered, "I got him!"

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