Chapter 7: Spider-Man and Black Panther vs. Scorpion and Kraven the Hunter

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In the middle of the coronation room Spider-Man and Black Panther are fighting the villains Scorpion and Kraven, the hunter.

What makes these villains dangerous is Scorpion (who is also known as Mac Gargan) was given superhuman powers through chemical and radiological treatments, including splicing his genetics with a scorpion's DNA, which produced mutagenic effects. As a result, he has arachnid-like powers similar to Spider-Man's such as superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, and durability. He can also scale walls (he also punches holes in walls as a way to climb) thanks to his full-body battlesuit and the mechanical tail which also has neurotoxins. 

As for Kraven, HR carries a large machete, hunting daggers and a bow and arrow.  The other dangerous aspect about Kraven is since he spent most of his life in Africa taking on large animals with his weapons, he proves to be one of the villains that are a physical threat to Spider-Man. Though Kraven's powers are not as developed as those possessed by Spider-Man. Kraven's body is also more durable and more resistant to certain forms of injury than the body of a normal human. And lastly all of his senses are enhanced.

As Spider-man is fighting Scorpion, his main objective is to apprehend him while staying away from his deadly tail that contains neurotoxin. Spider-Man then jumps back while in the air and web shoots him so it can give him a chance to get close enough to punch, high kick and upper cut him. As Scorpion gets back up, he jumps and hangs onto the side of a pillar so he can shoot the neurotoxin from his tail which Spider-Man dodges.

"So tell me, what were you promised by your contractor Scorpion? Money?" Spider-Man asked Scorpion while they still fought.

"The Money is a bonus, the real deal is just killing you!" Scorpion replied as he jumped down to get close enough again to try and sting him.

Meanwhile Black Panther is holding his own with Kraven as he is dodging Kraven's large machete. Black Panther charges at Kraven and kicks him in the face as he flies in the air and drops his machete as he lands.

" So what were you promised Kraven? Clearly you must have been promised something by your contractor." Black Panther asked Kraven as he springs to his feet.

" The only thing that I desire is the hunt and glory. Not only Scorpion and I get Spider-Man, I will also get one of Wakanda's greatest warriors for my collection. Kraven said as he got into a fighting stance against Black Panther.

"You can try." Black Panther said as he brings out his vibranium claws and they clash into each other to continue the fight.

As Elsa is hiding behind a pillar to stay away from the fight, she is trying to process what is happening. First she meets a nice young man from New York, next her sister is asking for her blessing to marry a guy she just meet, and now her party is interrupted by a guy in a scorpion suit and a super human hunter that hunts Spiderman, the hero from New York. Spider-Man and  Black Panther have come to protect her and her guests.

Scorpion shoots more of the neurotoxin at Spider Man and the wall crawler continues dodging every shot. Spider Man  shoots a web at Scorpion's eyes blinding the villain. He quickly grabs his foe by the tail and swings Scorpion around, throwing  him at a pillar and falls to the ground. Scorpion then gets up, ripped the webs off his eyes and turned his attention to Spider-Man again with annoyance and anger.

"Is this really the best you can do? You're only delaying the inevitable." Scorpion exclaimed to Spider-Man.

"Don't worry Scorpy, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve." says Spider-Man.

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