Chapter 16: The Avengers vs The Sinister Six and The Hob Goblin

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"What do we do with them Boss?" Scorpion asked Doc Ock as he and the Sinister Six stood in front of Elsa and the group. But before he could say something...

"You will not hurt them is what you will not do." a voice came out as they see Ms. Marvel jumps in and stood right in front of the Sinister Six and protected the group. As she stood there the Sinister Six laughed at her.

"Really? A child is going to fight us by herself." Kraven said as they laughed.

"No she will not fight alone." Another voice came in as Black Panther suddenly came in next to the young Avenger. But before anyone else could say anything, a roar came out of nowhere as a large person jumps in and when the snow dust cleared it was revealed to be the Hulk and he was lucky that the ice floor was able to hold him thanks to Elsa's powers.

"Time to smash." Hulk said as he pounds his fist with his palm hand. Suddenly they all hear rock music, they looked up in sky to see someone coming there way. This person landed did a super hero landing. This other hero wore gold and red armor with an ark reactor on his chest. This was none other then Iron Man himself. The armor he is wearing is the Mark 50, Nano Tech suit.

"Whats up everyone? You miss me?" Iron Man asked everyone while some of the Avengers rolled there eyes.

"Is that everyone Stark?" Black Panther asked Iron Man.

Don't worry, we got eyes in the sky." Iron Man said as two arrows suddenly hit Mysterio and Kraven, as it hit them they were both electrocuted and knocked them out unconscious. The villians look up at one of the ships as it was Hawkeye who hit both Kraven and Mysterio.

"Alright guys, that should even the odds." Hawkeye called out as both the Avengers and the Sinister Six were about to fight each other.

Elsa and everyone else they decided to hide from the fight between the Avengers and the Sinister Six. Elsa on the other hand looked in the direction that Peter was taken to as she prayed that he was ok.

(Meanwhile with Spider-Man)

Peter could not tell what just happened. First he was about to take the corrupted prince in for what he tried to do to Elsa and Anna. Then the next thing was it turns out that he never had a hand in hiring the Sinister Six. He was then killed by a mysterious shooter. Lastly he sees right in front of him is his best friend he has not seen in six months in a suit similar to his deceased enemy.

"What's the matter? Lost for words I was expecting more...I'm hurt." Harry said with venom and sarcasm in his voice snapped Peter out of his confusion.

"I don't understand why are you doing this?" Spider-Man asked him.

"(Scoff) You really don't understand do you....Peter?" Harry asked him as he narrowed his eyes at him with hatred. Peter on the other hand was shocked and horrified to realize not only Harry was behind most of this but he knows that he is Spider-Man.

"Wha...I...I don't understand. How long have you...." He was about to ask before Harry just chuckled sadistically.

"Alright you got me, well I guess I can start by telling you a funny story. It happened on the night my dad and Gwen died. So, you remember how I OD'ed on the Green right?" He asked Peter as they both remembered what happened that night.

"Well...yeah, you gave us all quite the scare." Peter said to him as he did not like where this was going

"Oh yeah, I was completely wrecked. So, on that night, I remember you coming over to my place and asking me where my dad was. Though I couldn't help but notice how pissed off you looked. It was almost like that time when Flash tried to cheat off of your Geometry test."

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