Chapter 3: Assignment to an unknown kingdom

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   "THERE YOU ARE PARKER!! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" Jonah shouted at Peter for being late.

   After Spider-Man defeated Kingpin he went back into his civilian clothes. He was late for his job at the Daily Bugle. When he arrived his boss, Mr. Jameson, wasn't happy. Peter tried to explain. . .

   "Well Mr. Jameson  I was on my way here and had to take a detour since the N.Y.P.D. and Spider-Man were busy taking down the Kingpin. I was able to get some shots of the action and I think you will be excited ee them! Peter explained as he handed the photos to Jonah.  Mr. Jameson reviewed them with enthusiasm. He was less impressed by Peter and Spider-Man helping the N.Y.P.D. .

"Not bad!"  Mr. Jameson said as he rubbed his forehead before he continued. "How many times have I told you, Spider-Man is more of a menace and not a hero like the Avengers! Now do you have any photos of him as the menace he really is?" Jonah shouted.

   "Well...I..." Peter said as he shuffled his feet, trying to think of an excuse.

    "PARKER YOU'RE FIRED!!!" Jonah shouted.

   "(Groaning in annoyance) of course." Peter said as he was getting annoyed with Jonah. This was about the 10th time that Jonah had fired him. However right before Peter was about to leave the room, Betty Brant walks in to remind Jonah something.

   "Sir, the coronation in Norway."  Betty Brant announced to Mr. Jameson. .

   "Oh right... Parker on second thought you are not fired." Jonah mumbled to Peter before he could leave the room. .

   "Yes, Mr. Jameson?" Peter said in a surprised voice.

   "Listen, there is a reason why I need to talk to you right away! Have you heard of the kingdom of Arendelle in Norway." Jonah asked Peter.

   "No, not that I know of. Why do you ask?" Peter said out of curiosity.

   "A few years ago, the previous king and queen both perished when they were traveling at sea. Soon their oldest daughter is now ready to take the throne in a couple of days and the gates will only be open to the public on the coronation. Most of my employees and reporters are on an assignment. I need you to go to Norway as both a reporter and a photographer. When you get there, I need good photos of the new queen, her sister, and the castle. I also want to know what the new queen has planned for her new kingdom! There is a fantastic story behind why her father closed the gates in the first place." Jonah explained to Peter.

  "You'll be leaving tomorrow. Don't worry I have paid for your flight ticket there and back. Your plane leaves tomorrow afternoon.  And if the story is topnotch, I'll give you other assignments and double your salary." Jonah concluded to Peter as he had totake a seat from the shock of the news.  

   "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? GO ON GO GO!!!" Jonah shouted at Peter jumped up to leave.  

(25 minutes later at Queens. Parkers residents)

   ""What news story did Jonah assign to you?" May Parker asked with shock in her voice.
   "The assignment is quite fantastic! “I am going to Norway to a kingdom called Arendelle. I am assigned to meet the new Queen; take pictures of the coronation and interview her on the future of her kingdom." Peter said excitedly.

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