Chapter 1: Prologue

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"Ok now where to begin hmm.... how about Once upon a time.... you know what no. How many times have you heard that to begin a story? Lets try something else. (Gasp) Wait a minute I've got it here are we here we go, this is a way to start a movie. ,"narrator said.

(Sun rises in africa) Nants ingonya... (then everything turns dark)

"No I do not think so. That sounds to familiar doesn't it to you? ,"the narrator said as he changed his mind.

(Then a comic book that says Spiderman and the Snow Queen appears and then opens a page)

"Oh no not the book. How many have seen opening the book before? ,"the Narrator said as he did not like that idea.

(Screen then stops before the next page of the comic book is shown.)

"Close the book. We are not doing that. ,"the Narrator said as he thought of a better way to start the story.

(The comic book then closes and the screen turns black)

"Ok, I have better way to start this story. Hello my name is Peter Parker and I am the one and only Spider-man. I believe that you all know my story I got bitten by a radioactive spider at the age of 13 and got the power that a Spider can do. ," Peter said as he introduced himself.

"When I acquired my powers I remembered what my Uncle Ben told me before his passing. ," Peter said as he remembered the words his Uncle Ben said.


"Just remember Peter with great power comes great responsibility. ," Ben Parker said to a young Peter Parker.

(flashback ends)

"After I became Spider-man I saved many people, fell in love with my childhood crush Gwen Stacy, and saved the city again and again.  Life for me was exciting. I started to become a popular hero in New York. But  some people like Jonah J Jameson has considered me a menace to the city. The Avengers always had my back. ,"Peter said as he explained parts of his life as Spider-Man.

"My life had its ups and downs. Gwen, my girlfriend lost her father during a battle I was having against one of my enemies.  Eddie, my best friend became one of my new enemies Venom. My other friend Harry became addicted to the Globulin Green.  By this time, I had a lot of enemies in my life. One of my most dangerous enemies the Green Goblin knew my identity and threw the love of my life off a bridge. I was able to catch her in  my webbing and she came to a complete stop. When I checked her pulse, it was not beating. ," Peter became aware that he lost everything.

"She was dead. I felt my world crumble and I wanted revenge. My goal is to find  the Green Goblin and kill him.  It took me a while to find him and when I did I beat him to a bloody pulp.  I was about to execute the final blow, I suddenly realized that if I did this  it would go against everything that my uncle Ben stood for. Gwen my childhood crush would never have wanted any of this. I was going to take him into custody when suddenly he pulled off one last ditch attempt to kill me. He summoned his glider to try and kill me, but I jumped out of the way in time and his glider impaled him instead killing him." 

"I have lost so many people in my life, my Uncle Ben, my childhood crush Gwen Stacy, my friend Harry Osborn and my best friend Eddie Brock who is in prison. In my darkest times there are times that I want to throw away the Spiderman suit and never become the hero again. However my Uncle's inspiration got me to continue being the hero that I am today. " Peter said when he remembered those bad memories.

"For six months after Gwen's death, I have moved on and have been inspired by my Uncle's example. I don't know if I will ever find a special someone in my life without endangering their life. Until I meet Elsa during my Spring Break." Peter said as he remembers that day a month and a half later.

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