Chapter 2: Taking down Kingpin

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(A month and a half ago on April 8)

(School bells ring)

"Alright students, that would be all for today, have a good Spring Break." The teacher exclaimed.

Peter Parker and the other students all got out of their seats, went to their lockers and left high school very excited.

When Peter was about to leave to go on patrol as Spider-Man, he was called out by a familiar voice.

"Hey Pete." the voice called out to him as he turned around to see it was Flash Thompson with his friends Kenny Kong, Randy Robertson, Hobie Brown, Sha Shan Nguyen, Sally Avril, Gloria Grant, and Liz Allen.

"Hey guys." Peter said to them.

"Can you guys believe it? We are about to graduate next month." Kenny said as he is excited as the rest of them are.

"Yeah, but this isn't going to be the same without..." Peter said as he didn't finish and they catch on to what he is means and Liz put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Oh Petey, we all miss Gwen. We really do. But don't you think she would want you to be happy?" Liz said to him as a way to cheer him up.

"Yeah, your right." Peter said as he knows that she is right.

"That's the spirit Parker." says Flash as slaps Peter shoulder.

"She's right Peter. Gwen wouldn't want you to be all down in the dumps because of her. She would want you to appreciate what you still have." Gloria said to him.

"And just remember that we got your back. Osborn and Brock may have bailed on you for whatever reason, but we're still here." Flash told Peter as a good friend.

"Thank you Flash." Peter replied.

"Well, we better get going. See you around Peter." Sally said to Peter as they all left.

"See you guys." Peter said to them as he waved goodbye to them as he left to go on patrol.

(10 minutes later)

" It's getting close to graduation and it's only a month and a half away." Peter said. The real question is what was Peter going to do after graduation.

But before he could think about his plans...


"All units, level four mobilization location... Fisk Tower." The Dispatcher said.

"(gasp) Fisk Tower?! Well, it looks like I will think about my future later. Right now it is time to bring down Willie and his empire once and for all." Peter said as he puts his mask back on as he jumps off the building and swings his way through New York.

"SWAT is 10-84 at Fisk Tower. All units stand by warrent is enroute." The dispatcher exclaimed.

As He continues to swing through New York, He then calls the Captain of the NYPD.


"This is Captain Watanabe here.", Yuri answered.

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