13th December.

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"Am so sorry Yaya, I was a bad sister even though you told me that something was wrong with you,I still vented all my frustration on you.I really want to apologize to you but you are nowhere to be found."

Tears of agony and pain rolled down from my eyes.

I hope they have given him food to eat,even though he is too choosy when it comes to food am sure he will eat whatever they give him.Maybe they didn't even let him sleep.

Oh Ya Allah make it easy for my brother.

People have been coming and am just tired of the way they are saying things like;

"They don't come back alive."

"They keep beating them to death."

"They burn them alive."

I just don't understand why they are trying to make us feel worser that we already feel,some people just don't know when to talk and when to keep quite.

"Hudaya,Du'a is here." I heard mama's voice and before I could reply she came inside.Without wasting a minute I hugged her tightly and tears started flowing down from my eyes,it was too painful for me to bear,it was tearing my heart into pieces,I feel so shattered and broken,tears kept flowing out of my eyes and my hear was just clutching more in pain "I was very rude to him Du'a,he wanted to talk to me but I snapped at him,he got angry and went out because I didn't talk to him."

"I promised him that I will always be there for him but when he came to me with his problem, I told him that he is an adult and he should solve his problems by himself." I hate myself for doing that to him "It was all because of me." All because of me.

"You are not the reason why he is kidnapped,stop feeling guilty okay." I shook my head negatively and she let out a sigh "You snapped at him,yeah that was wrong but Hudaya you also have your own problems.It was just wrong timing that is all." I burst into more tear after remembering that way he was hurt by my words.

Thank you for always for being there.

That was exactly what he said,I cam still remember the way he was hurt.No matter what the situation is try as much as you can to control your anger,you don't know maybe that is the last time you are seeing that person.

"Hudaya he will be fine." Du'a assured and I nod my head,yaya will be fine but I don't know what he is going through right now.

Mama came inside the room hurriedly and closed the door "What is wrong?" I ask her standing up terrified "They have called."

My heart shook as she said that.

I collected the phone knowing that mama cannot talk "Hello?" It was more like a question,the phase of my heart beat was increasing when I heard a very husky voice which screamed danger "You wasted our time and credit." The man lashed on me and my mouth suddenly went dry "I...I am so-so—sorry." I stuttered and my whole body started shaking due to fear.

"Well the guy here beside me will pay for that." He mouthed laughing dangerously "Don't do anything to him....please." I begged as tears rolled down from my eyes.A screech was heard on the other line and then a loud thud then a scream followed "Ahhh." That was Yaya,ya ilahi "Please leave him alone." I begged again and the man laughed evilly "That was for wasting our time."

"What do you want?" I asked with a low voice "Damn." The man said amused "You are smart,I like you already." He mouthed and it made me feel like vomiting my whole intestines, I love compliments but definitely not from kidnappers.

"Thank you." I said cringing the words but then I have to be calm or else my brother will pay for it "We want 20 million or......" My heart lost a beat but I had to keep going"Or?" I asked praying to God that it shouldn't be what am thinking.

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