27th December.

71 13 1

"Just come and see for yourselves!" I hissed nearly annoyed at the girls.

Am going to tell them the big news!

I want to tell them face to tell them face.Salima is heavily pregnant so she is not coming but Du'a,Fatima,Maryam and Rabi'atu said they are coming.

"This better not be one of your stupid prank jokes." Du'a warned making me roll my eyes "I am a grown up now girls!" I stated like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"You girls don't have to come!" I said hanging up the video call "They are all so annoying!" I shouted a little throwing the pillow to the door and that was the moment the door opened.The pillow landed on Du'as head and she let out a scowl "Way to go!!" She growled making the rest laugh.

I happily stood up and jumped on them in the name of hugging them "I remember her saying that she is a grown up now," Rabi'atu teased and I smacked her.

"I missed you girls a lot!!" I stated happily "It has been long since we met,we didn't go for an outing in a long time! We really need to go for one,like on 1st January!" I stated loving the idea.

"I am very sure you didn't call us just to tell us that you miss us." Fatima said jumping on the bed "Well,I didn't." I said giggling.

"All of us got busy with our lives." Maryam stated "And school is being sooo hectic." Du'a groggily said.She just seem to be in a bad mood today.

"Okay guys we have a lot of time to talk about all this,for now I need to tell you all the big news!" I stated as I stood up.

I raised my hand which had a ring on it "A has proposed!" I shouted and a moment of silence passed.

All of them had their mouth agape with a shock look on their eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!" All of them shouted together as they jumped on me "I am so happy for you!!" Fatima stated.

"Tell us everything,if you dare miss out on a single thing, I will kill you." Maryam said making me roll my eyes.

"Ohh my God.I can't believe it!" Rabi'atu said excitedly.

I turned to Du'a and she was smiling at me,she hugged me tightly laughing as she mouth "That is why I said I want a man like A!"

I punched her shoulders making her wince "Congratulations my girl!" Du'a shouted hugging me again.

"Enough." I stated hyperventilating.

Their crazily hug made me nearly breathless,oh Allah give those girls sense.

Give me too! Lmao.

"Details?" Du'a asked and I smiled.

"Yesterday,A told me that we will be going out in the evening and he told me to wear white clothes.Do you girls remember that gown style that all of us did,but different colors?" I asked and they nodded their head eagerly "You know that mine is white right?" They all nodded their head.

"So I wore it!" I exclaimed and Du'a sigh dreamily "It always look so good on you!" She stated and I smiled "That is why I wore it." I stated giving her a high five.

"So we went to one open restaurant at the beach side.." Yes,I was cut off "So romantic! Ya Allah! Date at the beach side!" Rabi'atu exclaimed.

"Awwn." They chorus making me roll my eyes "So we were given a secluded area near the river and the table was arranged beautifully with two cups filled with champagne." I continued narrating getting more excited with each second,I still have the blurry image of yesterday on my head,the feelings,the happiness, I remember everything.

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