11th December.

78 14 2

Am still angry.

He ditched me no matter how mush he tries to explain,I regret leaving mid way before he finished,I could have studied him,the way he was talking and the way he looked, I can still see him if I close my eyes but I want to see him face to face again.


Since after I woke up for fajr I was just thinking about that so called meeting,we met,we did,I saw him and he saw but we didn't talk so it is not a real meeting.


I decided to just go back to sleep and that was what I did..

My phone kept ringing and it got me so annoyed, I didn't get enough sleep yesterday in the night and now someone is calling me early in the morning.

"For crying out loud,am sleeping." I paused letting out a yawn "Who call early in the morning?" I rubbed my eyes trying to open them "Normal people sleep at this Du'a."

She was quite and that got me worried.

"Is everything fine?" I asked sleepily.

"Your morning voice is sweeter than your normal voice precious."

I abruptly opened my eyes closing them due to the light.


I cleared my throat trying to act normal "So it is you." I stated the obvious "Good morning to you too precious." God! Am going crazy.

"Why did you call?" Okay I was straight forward but I don't care "To disturb you and it worked so bye." He hanged up the call before I replied him.



Egoistic jerk!

How could he hang up on me?

He is annoying the living day light out of me but wait....how was my morning voice like?

Oh God! Why on earth did I not check the callers ID?

Way to go Daya!

I looked up at the clock and it was 11:00am.Well I guess the sleep is enough,I brushed my teeth and walked to the parlor.

"Good morning." I greeted Aunty Jami "How is your headache?" She asked worriedly "It has subsided." I replied smiling in an appreciative way.

She have already taken her breakfast so I went to the dining table and served myself the indomie which is still hot as I went back to the parlor to eat.

"I haven't heard from Rahila and Rahama since when they went to school." The two are the children she adopted "They have been very busy,they asked about you yesterday also." She said with so much fondness as she smiled "My pleasantries to them. I will also love to collect their numbers." I smiled and she nod her head as she gave their numbers to me.

"They are studying hard though." She said happily and I totally agreed with her "The both of them chose hard courses but am glad they are chasing their dreams." I replied smiling "Studying medicine and law is not for the weak." Aunty Jami bragged but I cannot blame her,her two daughters are studying that "Rahama said that wearing that lab coat and a stethoscope gives her a serene feeling." She said chuckling "And Rahila said that nothing beats getting justice for people." She chuckled again "We call Rahama Doc and we call Rahil Barrister." She sigh softly "I miss them alot,the house is so quite without them." She said smiling sadly.

"We should go out and have fun today,how about we go for a lunch date?" She suggested and I nod my head in approval "That will be great." I said smiling and she asked me to go and get ready. I took my bath and put on a plain black abaya.

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