6th December.

87 17 2

I quickly shove my Hijab on and ran outside to catch up with mama and yaya,Baba was smiling as he entered his car "I wish you a very save and amazing journey." I mouthed and he smiled me "I will call you." He said and he entered the car driving off,so basically Baba is going back to Abuja today and Mama is in a very foul mood,Lmao mama have already started missing baba,we made our way inside the house and I went straight to my room when mama called for me "You are not expecting me to be the one to clean the house are you?" I blinked my eyes a little "Am going to clean it." I said even though deep down I don't want to,our maid is sick so mama gave her a day off and now am left with all the work "Better start and I swear if you don't sweep well am going to kill you,as big as you are you cannot sweep well." She eyed me and entered her room and I shook my head,am not the one who made him leave but am facing the consequences.

I swept the whole house,mopped it and cleaned the dining table,tv stand and all, I washed the toilet and cooked lunch.


Tell me a word which would describe my situation better,despite trying my best mama still scolded me saying that I didn't sweep well,mama doesn't rate me at all, I slide into twitter after turning on my data and I saw a message from Mr Anonymous.


Mr Anonymous:Won't you tell me the H in your name?

Kabir H Abbas:Yes I won't.

Kabir H. Abbas:I have a question,what can you do for someone that is suffering from heartbreak,this case is complicated you see it has always been one sided but now it is over.

Am actually very worried about Yaya,he has not been himself lately to an extent that mama notice,yesterday she asked me if I know what is wrong with,I lied and said no because am not in the place to tell her,had it been he wanted her to know he would have told her by himself since he usually doesn't hide anything from her.Mostly,the girl is closer to her mother but in my case,my brother is the one who is closer,am close also but not as close as the both of them are.

Mr Anonymous: Who is the person you are trying to help.

Ya Ilahi!

This guy is really a pain in the ass,he doesn't want to tell me anything about him so am not so stupid that I would get personal.

Kabir H Abbas:A friend.

Yeah right, I cannot just tell him that it is my brother that is heartbroken.

Mr Anonymous:Which one?

Kabir H Abbas:It is not like you know any of my friends (rolls eyes),just let it be thou, I should have known better than asking you.


Am just being sincere,he can be rude but I can't?

Am Hudaya Kabir Abbas!

Mr Anonymous:You are becoming mean,well whatever but I hope that friend is not you.

The heck!

It is official that this guy is stupid.

Kabir H Abbas:What? No.

Mr Anonymous:Okay.

Is this a sign that he doesn't agree with what I said?

What ever!

Kabir H Abbas:What can I do for that person?

I kept on tapping my feet on the floor waiting for his reply and it took a while,he still didn't reply so I went ahead and twitted:

Friends:What do you love the most?

December(The last month of the year)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant