22nd December.

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"You didn't tell me anything Hudaya, I feel so heartbroken right now! Am your best friend,best friend!" Du'a is totally a drama queen.

"I had so much to worry about,you are also having problems with your boyfriend so I thought I shouldn't bother you with mine. I made a mistake but Du'a I cannot explain how I felt." I let out a heavy sigh "This is good news! Why couldn't you tell me." Ofcourse the answer is simple "I was confused and scared all together."

"Well everything is fine now!" She shouted as she gave me a very tight hug "Am so soooooo happy Du'a,am so happy." I let out laughing genuinely.

My phone started ringing and it was A!


"Hey!" I was excited but I didn't scream,I promise,okay maybe I screamed a little,damn being a lady!

"Hey love." Is my heart still there? I think it has jumped out.

"How are you doing?" He asked "Extremely fine." I replied and he chuckled "Good." He stated.

"You?" I asked "I am also totally fine." He replied making me laugh "How is the baby?" I love that baby so much guys,y'all know why.


"She is fine,just missing you but not as much as I do." He whined "That was cliche." I emphasized,well and romantic you know.


"Well this is how being whipped is,am totally whipped by you precious.You have me wrapped around your finger." This guy is just too much "Seriously I thought you were boring.Where are you getting all those lines from A?" Okay am being dramatic "Who are you?" I asked "Where is my A?!" Okay am over dramatic "Give the phone back to him!" Am over over dramatic.

He let out a laugh for like 30 seconds.Well let's say he laughed,excuse my english.

"My over dramatic baby." Yuck! eww! When did I turn to baby?

It is too common!

"Well amidst all this I miss you too." I whispered but the devil have ears so he heard me,ohh that wasn't my intention.

"This means,the both of us are whipped.We met yesterday." He laughed and I joined him,seriously we are acting like teenagers in love.

"What is the chosen name for her?" The baby I mean "Well the parents have not decided yet,but am calling her lucky charm and that is final." Oh someone is serious "Why?"

"Obviously because I proposed to you the day she was born and you accepted the following day,she is my lucky charm." Okay my cheeks are hot.

Bring ice blocks!

Out of words, I just chuckled "So what are you doing?" I asked "Thinking about you,apart from being on a phone call with you." Cue the eye roll y'all.

"Apart from that." I replied "Well am having night duty today, I don't want to go,I hate night duties I swear!" He exclaimed and I felt bad for the poor soul.

"Well you have to be patient." He let out a sigh "I don't have a choice do I?" I shook my head stupidly "Well no." I replied laughing.

"When are we going on a date?" He asked "Am always ready." I replied "You sound like my baby now!" Oh wait what?!

"News flash:Am someones precious." Wiggling my eyebrow dramatically "Mine,only mine." He replied and I chuckled.

"I need to go Du'a is shooting daggers at me." I stated still looking at Du'a "I really need to meet her and yeah apologize on my behalf,tell her that am not a best friend snatcher." Okay this is funny "I will tell her.So bye." I replied laughing.

December(The last month of the year)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora