P. 2, Ch. 8: Gray

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They battle it out for a long time as Erza watches on while also comforting Wendy. Limbs collide in the air before resting for short periods of time. Gray spends a lot of the time dodging Brazen's spell attacks, while sending out his own. Bruises grew on Gray's skin as well as on Brazen's. They were both acquiring damage but Gray was understanding how hard Brazen's blows are. Gray brought out his demon side during the fight and even the Long Sword attack doesn't work. Gray takes measures and bends his legs. He peels the necklace he wears too often off his neck and throws it too the side, knowing he was going to go through with his act. He planned this when he was leaving with Brazen towards the castle, knowing that this was the only way they'd make it out of here safely. crossing arms over each other in front of him. Natsu pounds on air, writing underneath pulsing while he jumps around in pained realisation. Erza stands up abruptly and smashes her fist against the air thrice times.

"Don't do this, Gray!" Natsu pleads.

"Please, Gray! You don't have to do this!" Erza shouts.

"Gray!" Wendy cries out.

Gray's clothes blow from the force of the magic power that swirls around them. White lightning like strikes circle around Gray, sending his hair soaring. Magic circles surround Brazen on all four sides and box him in at the top and one appears underneath Gray. "I need to do this. Sorry, guys. You can't stop me this time," Gray says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Please! Gray, anything but this! Please, I'll do anything," Natsu pleads as the river increases in intensity down his face.

Gray deepens the stance, the magic power increasing. "Are you finally attacking me properly? Took you long enough," Brazen says as he observes the magic circles.

"Natsu, thankyou for that wonderful experience in the woods the other day. I loved it. I didn't know I was craving it all these years while I buried my feelings deep underground. I love you, Natsu. So so so so much. I can't love anyone else as much as I loved you. My necklace...I want you to take it. It means a lot to me and I want you to remember me by it," Gray says calmly and turns to give Natsu the warm smile he deserves.

"Gray! Don't. Do. This!" Natsu shouts again.

"Please Gray!" Erza pleads. Wendy continues sobbing.

Gray continues, "Brazen is a horrible mam. He casted a curse on me in which I had to relive my worst memory during my sleep for an entire year. I feared you'd think I was weak if you found out, but over the years, from the help of all of you, I've learnt that fear doesn't mean you are weak, it means that you feel things like all humans. It shows that you have the guts to push through and fight."

"Don't d-do this, Gray. You c-can't leave u-s!" Wendy sobs.

"What are they talking about?" Brazen asks, confused.

"I won't be dead, Wendy. I just won't be visible anymore. This spell only destroys the casters body. I'll always be with you, in your heart. Remember that," Gray softly says.

"Please, Gray! Don't!" Erza pleads desperately.

Gray bends his leg and shouts, "Absolute freeze! Iced shell!" He draws his arms behind and above him as a massive surge of magic power hits the magic circles surrounding Brazen. The magic circles crack and disappear followed by the magic power hitting Brazen right in the stomach. Bright light covers all the knocks and crannies of the stone building as Gray's body cracks quickly. "Remember, this spell only destroys my body, turning me into ice forever."

Erza, Wendy and Natsu shout, "Gray!"

"I love you all." Gray smiles weakly. The only thing left of him is his head.

"Gray!" Wendy shouts.

"Gray, don't leave. I love you too!" Natsu shouts as the last of Gray disappears. The world turns black around him as he travels in an empty void, knowing that this is what the rest of his life holds for him.

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