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"You're beautiful," Remus said, looking down at the girl walking next to him through Hogsmeade, "I mean, you look beautiful today, not that you don't always look beautiful! Because you are," he stammered, raising his hand pinching the bridge of his nose and chuckling, "you know, I'm just gonna stop."

Rebecca laughed, shifting her body to look up at him, "thank you Remus, you look beautiful too," she smiled before frowning and furrowing her brows, "I mean, you look handsome, not that you don't also look beautiful, you know what I'm just gonna stop too."

The two walked through hogsmeade, hands shoved in their pockets to keep warm. It wasn't until Rebecca slipped on ice did she grab Remus's arm in hopes to stabilize herself, but the action only resulted in pulling him down with her.

They sat there on the ground laughing together for a few minutes, before Remus calmed down and helped her get back up.

That was when Rebecca kept her hand in his and her free hand holding onto his forearm. They walked into The Three Broomsticks, finding a table to sit at in the back. Remus smiled at Madam Rosmerta as they walked by getting her to smile and send him a thumbs up.

The pub owner didn't necessarily know who he was with, but seeing him smile without his friends around was good enough for her.

"Rosmerta!" Loralie whisper shouted to the woman, "can I wait on a table just real quick? I need to fix Remus's hair and need to be discreet about it," Lora told her when she got to the table her and the boys were sitting at.

"Lee it looks fine," Sirius argued with the blonde, trying to get the girl to drop the topic so they don't get caught.

Madam Rosmerta laughed, bringing two butter beers out on a tray and setting it on their table, "bring this to table eight, and flip his bangs up while your at it."

Lora nodded, getting off of the bar stool and walking towards the table two behind Remus's. She carried the tray on her left hand, using her right to comb through the boys hair as she passed by.

Remus stopped mid sentence to turn and look at who touched his hair, chuckling when he saw Loralie walking away from him, "was that Lora?" Rebecca asked looking at pass Remus and at Lora.

"Her?" He asked pointing at the girl waiting on the table she didn't have to, "yeah and I'm not surprised she's here right now," he answered, "Lora's like the big sister of my friends," Remus explained to her.

"And aren't her and Sirius Black dating?" Rebecca asked confused. Remus shook his head but then stopped, thinking it over for a second.

"None of us are really too sure actually," he said shrugging his shoulders, "they've always had a different type of relationship then the rest of us, I wouldn't be shocked if they were together and we didn't know come to think of it."

Loralie got back to her seat, struggling to get onto the bar stool, "Remus is talking about us," she said once finally getting on the stool next to the other three boys.

"That's nice, is he taking about how handsome I am?" James asked with a smirk and running his hand through his curly black hair.

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