15: The Unexplainable Duke

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Rayll Hyll Reiss Perspective

Everything grandfather said made it hard for me to decide what to do next when I'll see her.

Should I apologize?

I'm not really at fault and I think she should still thank mother for finding a way to stop the curse from killing her.

It's not right for her to laugh when mother died.. ...

But what do I know?

I still don't know what happened between them. I notice grandfather doesn't want to mention what truly happen so I guess it's that bad.

And come to think of it, where's that woman? She has been gone for five days and no one mentioned it.

Where is she exactly? Is she even alive? If she went missing five days ago then there's a high chance she has been abducted.

But even so, why didn't father mentioned anything related to her? Did he do some-

"Please! Just let the young miss get treatment!"

Wait what? I quickly gaze outside and saw a woman wearing a maid uniform and another woman covered with blood. The woman covered with blood looks unconscious and she has dark hair.

That can't be...

I immediately left the carriage and run towards the woman fighting with the guards. The guards were denying the entry of the maid and they look uncomfortable for some reason.

"Please, I beg of you. The young miss needs medical treatment immediately!" The maid pleads.

Knile was laying on her lap and I notice blood covered her dress. What happen to her?!

"We are sorry but the Duke ordered us to not let her grace enter the premises no matter what."

"But she is her daughter! She is freaking dying!"

The guards flinch from her sudden exclaimed and before they could retort back, I meddled.

"Open the gates! I don't care what my father said because my sister's life is more important! Do you want to take the blame if she dies?" I taunt. I gaze towards my unconscious sister and why does the skin surrounding her eyes look burned??? I want to see if she's ok but for some reason, I don't think I should.

The maid glared at me with bitterness. I don't understand. She should be grateful I helped her!

The guards, without a word, opened the gates and the maid quickly carried Knile. Compared to a normal maid, She was quite strong. That must be why Knile brought her, not because the maid is physically strong but because she was also loyal.

The carriage stopped right beside me and I entered. No matter how I think of it, I don't have any idea how she ended up like that. Why and how did she go missing for five days only to come back with blood covering her?

Did someone try killing her? A lot of nobles hated her so it would be hard to find who cause those injuries to her. Is it the new crown princess? I can only think of her since she's the only one who could go through lengths to kill her just to keep the position of the crown princess.

But no, she could've done it, she's too naive... Unless she is acting of course. Nobles are good with pretending and acting innocent so I guess she's one of them.

Though if she did it, why would she? She already has total control over the position since she has light magic. Why would she even try to harm the Duke's daughter and heiress to one of the powerful houses? Is it just to secure her position? That's ridiculous if it was.

"Your grace we have arrive."

Ha, I can't even decide anymore.

After leaving the carriage and entering the hallways through my room, I was unexpectedly met by Celestine. I wonder what she needs... Did she break her favorite heel? She turn her head to look at me and that innocent smile on her face made me smile. Her bright pink eyes were filled with happiness. I wonder what happened...

"Brother! Did you know father told me Knile will never enter this mansion again! Gosh, I'm so happy!" She said while giggling. "He told me she's going to live with grandfather!"


Why would he declare that? Is he the one who arrange everything?! My left hand covered my lips and I shifted my gaze towards the floor. Why would father do that?! And Celestine, she didn't know what happened a while ago?

"Brother, you don't look so well... Are you perhaps, sick?"

I love Celestine and I won't show her that I'm not feeling well. I calm down and stared back at her bright, polished pink orbs.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired from my journey. Do you know where father is?" I ask while smiling. It was fake of course.

"Ah, father is in his office!"

"I see, well then I need to exchange a few words with him."

"Hmm, ok bye! If you need me I'll be in the garden."

We both said our goodbye and I quickly went to the Duke's office. An uncomfortable feeling overwhelmed me as I raise my hand to knock. Before I even knock, the door opened to reveal the person I needed to talk with.

"What is it?" He spoke with distress and walk back towards the couch. His long hair was disheveled and I can spot dark bags underneath his blue-grey eyes.

"I was just wondering what you are up to lately," I answered.

The atmosphere wasn't making me the least comfortable at all.

"Nothing interesting, just the normal paperwork."

"Oh then let me get this straight, you weren't a bit worried when Knile went missing?" His eyes suddenly narrowed as he looks at me.

"What? You believe she went missing when it was her choice to leave the carriage?"

"And yet why didn't you search for her? Why didn't you do anything? Did you plan on killing her instead?" His eyes widen and his pupils shrink. He glared at me with his eyes glowing and I felt shaken. Even so, he should've sent people to search for her! She is still her daughter!

"What do you mean by that? Why would I waste my time killing a pest?" He mocks and crosses his leg. "If she died, I wouldn't even bother." He then regains composure and looks away.

I don't understand him. When she collapsed weren't he worried and visited her?! Why is he twisting his words?

"I see, so even if she is on the verge of dying you wouldn't even care? What about us then, would you care if something bad happens to me?"

His face went blank as his glare vanish.

"Are you implying someone would inflict harm towards the heir? I trained you for years, use that training to protect yourself."

"It's not just me, what about Celestine! She couldn't even protect herself. What if the same one who harmed Knile will also harm Celestine!" My emotions were getting the best of me. I swear my voice was so loud.

"Who attacks who now?" He asked, completely uninformed. My expression hardened as I look at him. My thoughts about him being the mastermind shattered after hearing his words. Father would never lie nor deceive someone...

"Just a while ago, I saw a maid carrying Knile-"

"And what's the harm with that?"

Ah, this old man suddenly cutting me while I haven't completely explained yet.

"She was unconscious and was covered with blood."

The color drained out of his face after processing what I just said. I wasn't expecting her to care for Knile anymore but his actions contrast.


Anyone love misunderstandings?

And yeah, I rather tell than show. I also hate small details. That's the reason why I can't describe their clothes or their face. I'm a terrible writer lol

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