24: The Magician Invading

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With the chaos the three of us launched, a huge punishment was bestowed upon us by the Duke.

That is to be forced to stay in our room with any form of communication restricted.

As an introvert, it shouldn't be a big deal.

But, as a troublemaker that is a big deal.

Information plays a big role in destroying someone or something. It is something I needed to perfectly perform my plans. I wanna know what's happening outside but I can't.

I can just send Celestia but nah, the Duke will notice. Lately, that man is so strict and has the eyes of a hawk, everything is to be reported to him.

Though, I think Celestine is the one who receives the most damage. Not only did his brother didn't side with him during the argument, but she can't also communicate with others to manipulate the favor and pity towards her. Let's just say her cute little image is being destroyed right away.

And me? I don't have anything to lose anyway.

Rayll? I freaking don't know what's going on with him.

The heroine? I'm worried about what her reward will be. But then again she's too kind to ask something from me.

The prince? He might've figured out what the secret is.

The two knights? Like I care about them. They don't seem like a threat to me.

The magician? The only thing I hate about him is how excited he got when he saw how I summoned the dragon. Not to mention magicians dream of future events...


"Celestia, can you go and search the library for any spells use to communicate with spirits or how to do it? "

The said maid look at me with a deadpan expression and reminded me about my so-called 'house arrest'.

"Not to worry, if someone saw you just tell them I need to practice and memorize some spells for self-defense," I stated as I sigh. Well, it's not like I'm going to talk with humans. It's just spirit, but then again that's communication. Ah, who cares.

"Communication spells then you're talking about self-defense? I don't understand." She said walking near the door and holding the doorknob.

"It's complicated."

Yea right. I'm just lazy to explain.

"I see, well then I'm off."

She didn't even hesitate...

The door slammed shut as I walk near the window, admiring the peaceful sky and the knights training hard.

Ha, it's been a long time and I haven't communicated with the dragon. I want to settle things with him and probably ask how magics are used. My knowledge of manga is limited so I need to learn more.

I only know the basic things like shooting pointy ice and freezing someone for three minutes. Ice is rare since you need to master controlling water before acquiring the skills to control ice. I don't have any water controlling abilities so I guess the ice skills are passed through genetics.

Illusion magic is pretty common for magicians but, am I the only one who doesn't know how to use this? I know it should be easier but why? Why does the image I create look so damaged? Like, I tried creating an illusion of an apple but when I did, the image was distorted. It doesn't even look like an apple! I was pretty confident in my skills and abilities because I am overpowered but I forgot there's something wrong with my soul. I have a lot of Mana but I don't know how to control them. That's just wasting potential!

Shadow magic on the other hand is easy. I just need to chant it in another language. I don't know the reasons but who cares. Come to think of it, I don't remember anything about how I killed those assassins... Did I lose some of my memories or did my brain delete them since it was frightening? Either way if I forgot then it must've been important.

Summoning magic on the other hand is easy, just use your imagination. I need to learn more...


Why is that maid taking so long?

Why can't I-

Before I can even complain about my boring life, someone appeared on the balcony right in front of me. Colorful butterflies started flying outside and my eyes meet his heterochromia eyes.

The guy was wearing his usual white cape and dark uniform. I don't get the fashion in this era.

He started walking toward me and raise his left hand. He knocks at the window and the window disappeared. He smiled brightly at me which almost blinded me. Why must the male leads act like the sun?

With a bright and happy atmosphere outside, and a dark and gloomy aura surrounding me, it reminds me how my life will always be something abnormal. Though anyways, tf does he want now?

My eyes narrowed as I look at him.

"What is it?"

What sort of craziness is fate planning to do?

I know it's boring.

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