54: Execution Time

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I present to you; her holiness, the saintess and his highness, the tyrant. The image I mean. Also, that's her original look without the curse. The opposite lol.


"Will you accept my offer and escape?"


'I hate repeating myself. Why does everyone want to live so badly?'

Knile's gaze wanders towards the saintess' eyes which were filled with anticipation and hope. She then lowered her head; her eyes shifted towards the chains that tie her to death. A gloomy expression replaced her stoic face as she took in a deep breath.

"Thank you for the kind offer but I have to decline." She answered followed by a bitter laugh.

The saintess clenches her dress and glances towards the source of light. She then took the lamp laying on her side and stood. She quietly smoothed down her dress and eventually glanced at Knile.

"I understand." She walks away with no emotions seen within her eyes.

Knile felt relieved since the saintess didn't ask any questions. The villainess felt satisfied knowing that the saintess immediately understood her.

Somehow, the feeling of being understood without explaining anything felt nice.

After the sound of her footsteps faded, the hollow feeling came back.

"I hope my execution goes well."


The saintess arrives outside safely and from the corner of her eyes, she spotted a familiar human. Is it even possible to call him human?

Hidden behind the tree stood someone whose shadow is seen thanks to the bright bloody moon.

An eerie feeling met her and she faced him with empty eyes.

"She wishes to die peacefully so leave her alone." She grips the lamp tightly and continued to walk towards the forest.

He said nothing but chuckle at her statement. The saintess felt irritated. Why was he laughing? There's nothing funny about the villainess choosing death.

"That's perfect then."

The saintess let out a sharp breath as she turned around, meeting his shining lavender eyes that give off bloodlust which was enough to make her fingers tremble. It was entertaining how she's hiding her fear.

"Just let her die. It's clear she doesn't want to live anymore." She spoke as she glare daggers at him.

"Oh? Didn't she said she enjoyed it?"

The saintess didn't reply which cause him to laugh, laugh at how everything is going according to his plan.

"Also, everything about her is mine. You should just probably concentrate on not dying."

(An; It's not what you think.)


Morning came and the warmth of the sun through the small window awoke her. The warmth reminded her of today's big event.

'I'm finally gonna know what religion is right about death for the second time.' She thought as she closes her eyes.

She then opened them and saw Rayll standing behind the rusty iron bars.

"It's time for your punishment."

(Ahaha, I love monukuma~)

'For Rayll to personally escort me to my death, I wonder if he was forced...'

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