76: What It Feels To Be Her

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The empire that continues to prosper for decades and her majestic collapse triggered by a witch who fell victim to society was well known and will never be forgotten by everyone, specifically kids who enjoyed the tale.

The bell that dangles inside a tower rang throughout the city as the setting sun illuminates the smiling faces of innocent children playing with the snow.

A certain child with glistening emerald eyes watches his friends who freely play and enjoy life for a moment. Hands trembling, he drank the water only to spit it out.

"This tastes so weird..."

Grumbling, he rose from his seat and confronted her mother about his undesirable thoughts.

But, like the other days of asking her the same question, she ignored the question and proceeded to comfort his fears.

No matter how many times and different ways he approaches his mother to ask her why everything is going to be fine, it was always futile.

"Everything's going to be fine, goddess Stella will help us."



"I don't think it is a good idea."

The sound of his hand slamming on the table made her eyes twitch.

"It is not a good idea? Is that all? Taking over the treasures of House Reiss will benefit the peasants, crown princess." A count urged before throwing a glare. "They should also pay just like House Hyll for the destruction the witch has caused! You don't understand how the peasants and knights are suffering because of her! Let them be paid by money! Let their hollow feeling be filled with money and pleasure!"

Clenching her fist under the table and wishing to hit the count took a lot of self-control. His worthless lies to encourage the nobles of the round table to snatch Rayll's assets cause her to slowly lost composure.

Their greed was beyond evil.

"House Reiss is one of the ancient and noble families that protect the royal family and empire. It is not wise to disband and go against Rayll. Half of the army are from the respectable name and sworn to Rayll Reiss. Using the royal order to confiscate his asset would worsen the situation than aid it. I hope you understand the consequences, Count." She repeated once more. Another word from him would make her lost it!

"You're being negative your highness! If we confiscate their treasures, the rebels would lose benefactors and that would make it easier for House Drag Neel to eliminate them! This would bring peace to our empire. The treasures might also be used to create and support the newly found vaccine and medicine." By now, her tightly clench hands started shaking violently.

"There is no evidence to supports your claims that Rayll is a traitor."

"Of course there aren't any because Lord Rayll is hiding them away from her highness! He is the leader of the rebels and just like his sisters, he is evil!"

"He had sworn loyalty to his highness, Neville."

"Loyalty does not matter to the insane-"

"Enough," the heroine loudly interrupted as she stands and asserted dominance. "Your words are not making any sense. You are speaking out of greed that has been spark by the contribution of Hyll's treasure."

"Greed? How dare you accuse me of such vile things! I am speaking for the sake of the people!" He proclaimed as his left hand rested on his chest. His eyes were wide open and his face turns red while his teeth gritted.

"Her highness is right-" a third party chimed and he quickly receives a scowl. The count abruptly stand and pointed a finger towards the princess.

"This empire is falling into ruin because of you! You're illogical decisions are making things worst!" He shifted his glare and finger towards the aristocrats supporting her. "You're decisions to make her the crown princess destroyed our prosperous empire! You people feared the dominance of House Hyll Reiss and feared they would defeat the royal family and that decision triggered problems that almost and will make the Empire collapse! If everyone just agreed with me not to change the crown princess then we will never be in this mess! Every-"

He couldn't manage to finish his speech when Neville suddenly kick him in the stomach. His sudden appearance causes the nobles to gasp and for the princess to be relieved.

"The disrespect," he warned. "Execute him."

"No!" The heroine quickly demanded. "There's no use in doing that Neville. It was understandable he was doing this for the people. Paranoia took control of him."

"Why are you being nice to him? He doesn't deserve it. Anyone who talks ill of you will be executed, mark my words." He warned and kick the count in the head which cause him to lost consciousness before leaving the room.

"As expected," the duchess of Wysteria mumbled. "A half-blood royal isn't fit as the next emperor."

The ginger-haired girl shifted her attention and her nice persona vanish. Her eyes turn sharp and glared.

"Instead of wasting time for blaming our flaws, why don't you use that energy to assist the empire?"

The duchess covered her face with a fan and her eyes glinted.

"A crown-princess doesn't need support for she must know every solution to a problem. Isn't that what they taught?"

Hearing her words, a noblewoman gasp, scooted near the duchess and leaned to her ear. "No one had the time to teach her about being a crown princess."


The duchess hid her face using her fan and the heroine blush. Both were completely embarrassed, the duchess had her pride crush because she didn't know the heroine was uneducated!

"Your highness," a soft voice destroyed the tension, and everyone looks at her. "It would be preferable for the coronation to be canceled. As much as his highness is desperate to have the throne, we must first resolve conflicts and prioritize Knile's capture and the distribution of vaccine and cure. The discrimination you and his highness have been currently receiving would be solved after you became the rulers but I'm afraid to inform you, that the aristocrats don't agree with the decision."

The heroine's breathing halted for a moment after hearing Duchess Aira's explanation and a look of dejection and betrayal were seen through her sunset eyes.

"B-but Neville is hurting.... because of the discrimination-"

"Your highness," the soft tone was no more which cause her legs to tremble. "Rule 13 that the crown princess must follow: you shall never display and admit emotional weakness in front of your subjects. In other words, try to ignore the discrimination and you're feeling."

Lowering her head, bangs covered her eyes as she left the room.

She was trying to save the empire from ruin and give people the happiness they deserve so why does it feel like the same people she wanted to save, hates her or makes things worst?

Why can't they recognize and accept their flaws? Both Neville and her were struggling yet why can't they understand it?

'Now I understand what the previous Knile felt.'

Raising her arm, sleeves tried to erase the tears cascading down her cheeks but it was futile. The feeling of hopelessness finally crush her remaining optimism as her eyes turn blurry from the tears.

'When it was us who started the revolution and caused chaos to reform the monarchy-- it must have been overwhelming. To solve everything by yourself, to be placed with such high expectation-- she had it worst than me since no one was by her side.'

"Was everything my mistake?"

"Why is everything so hard compared to my past?"

"What wrong did I do?!"

Feet stumbling, she struggled to go and find Neville for comfort and hope.

The floor beneath her seems to shake as her eyes squinted. Moments later, she loses balance and consciousness.

I Will Die As The Villainess √Where stories live. Discover now