79: Death Lingers

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Their swords clash and the snow beneath them flew high in the air as their magic fiercely dances together.

Her empty orbs reflected the flame hungrily devouring everything and ice appearing everywhere. Blood splattered as they continue to fight. One showed a desire for revenge while the other one has fallen into the depths of despair.

The bond she saw back then was slowly withering because of them.

The Hyll Reiss twins.

Was it their existence that caused them to fight?

Who knows?

Astley never acknowledges her presence until he loses her. He never or possibly pretended to ignore his growing feelings for unknown reasons. She was only a friend. A mere friend and not a potential lover.

Rayll teases him about his affection towards Celestine but he knows he was infatuated with Astaria. It was impossible, how can he fell in love with a spoiled princess who loves to manipulate people? Rayll tried multiple ways to prove him wrong, and he did.

Even with the crimes committed by Celestine, he still loves her.

And he will forever treasure that feeling.

His blade pierces through his heart and the battle has come to an end.

No male lead emerges victorious. Astley's thirst for revenge wasn't quenched.

"There's no point. Everything has come to an end."

Rayll pierces himself with his sword. The prophecy was fulfilled, he killed himself. Even though the magician sacrificed his life for him, it didn't displease Rayll.

His friend tried to prevent his suicide but it was futile for fate shall fix things. No one was allowed to defy fate and the will of the goddess. Why did Arundel even save his pathetic life?

His body drops dead as tears and blood flowed down his face. The images of his younger sisters swirled into his mind and he regretted it a lot. His eyes dimmed and his breath ceased.

The ground slightly shakes beneath them but their eyes remained unbothered. The sound of buildings falling, echoed throughout the empire and she slowly raises her head. The strange sight of coming people cause her breath to halt once again but her face remained stoic. The shaking stop and she slowly rose and glance at him.

Astley drop to his knees as he stares at his corpse.

"Ha... Rayll, you're this insane..." He uttered, shifting his gaze towards the source of loud snarling and growling.

Both deeply stared, wondering what was going on. Winds came and her orange locks dance with the ferocious wind and the sight chilled her to the very core.

People limping, even staggering— some went so far as to drag their crooked legs and face filled with horror cause Astaria to step back. Bloodshot bulging eyes hungrily stared at them and odor slowly crept to her nose which causes her to do something about it. As she covers her nose, she looks at Astley and found him frozen.

The crowd was nearing them and she could spot their lips twisted to show their teeth coated with red slimy liquid that slides down their face. Her face turned horrified and partially curious as she questioned the current events.

Clothes painted with red as their insides spilled and were being dragged send chills down her spine. She can hardly identify that some of their body were missing.
Missing arms and legs followed by bones peeking, scratches on their torso, even reddish eyes hanging —slowly the snow turned crimson as they growl and ran towards them.

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