53: Knile Hyll Reiss

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The villainess yawn as she keeps glaring at the dark. No torches seem to light the dungeon which would make things more interesting.

She was sitting and leaning on the cold wall as her fingers keep tapping on the floor. The chains that were wrapped around her pale hands produce noise every time she attempted to move. She once thought of using magic to entertain her but it was futile. The only thing she could relay for source of entertainment was her mind.

"I became the villainess so where did the previous and original Knile go?"

'I don't have any clues, to begin with, but is it possible that she died? Being stabbed by a holy sword seems  reasonable but that doesn't make sense. I killed myself and I'm still living in someone else's body so where did she go?'

The villainess clicks her tongue as she ran her hand through her black and red hair. She was left with no ideas which greatly irritated her.

She closed her eyes as she took in deep breathes.

She was hoping to go to sleep and regain energy for her execution but couldn't.

'I couldn't even go to sleep, am I too excited to die?'

Her eyes suddenly opened as she swiftly tilted her head after hearing footsteps going near.

She narrowed her eyes as her hands tighten around the chain which created noise. The footsteps started becoming louder, indicating the person knew she was awake.

The unexpected flash of light causes her to squint her eyes in discomfort. The person behind the iron bars started breathing heavily and coughing loudly which made the villainess glanced.

Once she regains from sudden exposure to light, she saw a woman. Silver hair which was tied into a lousy ponytail and charmingly timid blue eyes great her. She stops coughing and a bitter smile appeared which didn't make the situation any better.

Her widen crimson fiery eyes met her gentle and modest ones.

'There's no denying it.'

Knile unclenched her fist which causes the chain to create another noise. Her eyes were still wide in surprise.

'She's the saint from the neighboring empire. The person Knile envied.'

"Why are you here?" Knile flatly questioned as her eyes narrowed.

She regained calmness in such a short time. The lady in front of Knile slowly lay the lantern on the ground as she sat. The light illuminated part of her complexion and her smile faded.

"I'm sorry."

Knile thought she misheard her. Why was she apologizing? They never met each other and have no business with each other so why?

"I apologize, because of my selfish desire, you have been forced to live in that cursed body." Her lips quivered and tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Before Knile could even ask what she meant the lady spoke faster, answering her question.

"I assumed that once my soul left that body, it would stop working but I was mistaken. My wrongdoings had caused another tragedy, another person to suffer. I merely wanted to escape that cursed life and start a new one but I didn't wish for a soul to interfere. It was because of my selfish deeds you've gone through a horrible life." She covered her eyes with her palms while Knile just stares.

'The original Knile.....how..'

" You were forced to curse the land was it not? You were forced to do those horrendous actions was it not? I refuse to believe what that awful woman said. She knows nothing about what she's saying."

I Will Die As The Villainess √Where stories live. Discover now