26: The Villainess And The Magician

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We swiftly teleported to the capital and I notice it was so lively. The streets were filled with vendors and children were laughing and running around. Everyone was so happy it makes me uncomfortable. I have this sudden desire to destroy that happiness. It's probably good if I'll start a reign of terror. I just have to collect ideas and create plans.

"In case you don't know, there's a festival. It's a festival in honor of the goddess who blesses the five Dukedom and the imperial family. Status doesn't matter during these events so rest assured."

What do you mean rest assured?? Once the Duke found out I'm attending these events during a house arrest I might receive heavy punishments.

"I see," I spoke as both of us continued walking, exploring, and observing. It's always a surprise how peasants enjoy their life in a day without remembering and worrying about stuff. This conclusion can be made since everyone is so smiling brightly without care. I envy these people. I really do.

"Oh look! Isn't that the flower that represents your house?" He asks, suddenly grabbing my hand as he started running towards the flower shop. We then arrive in front of it as he took one flower and place it to my ear.

"Ahaha, I never thought the magician is dating someone!" The seller shouted as I just blankly stared at him. Ah, it seems like he is loved by the people. They can freely express their opinion in front of him.

"You are mistaken." I corrected him but to no avail, he didn't hear it.

"Not really." The magician replied loudly, followed by a chuckle. They both talk to each other as I gazed down. It's out of character for him to do this since I'm not the heroine, he must've done this as a form of apology.

Nevertheless, he should've picked a different flower. This just shows how ignorant he is. Should've everyone know this flower represents death? It's a red spider Lily, a beautiful crimson flower that represents something dreadful. The meaning all alone is why you shouldn't give this to someone. It's just indirectly saying I want you to die.

"Why are you not smiling young lady?" The vendor asks and I notice the magician look at me. "You should be happy he gave you a flower that represents love!"


"I guess."

I don't know whether I should destroy their little fantasy of believing it represents love because as I look around, every lady is holding this flower. I think it's best to stay quiet about it. I don't want to start a drama without our precious heroine.

"You guess? Please at least smile~ don't act rude!"

Did he seriously whine? Isn't this attitude only for the heroine? What on Earth is happening? Oh wait, we're not on Earth. But seriously, whenever he sees me, he always acts mature so what gives?

"I don't understand the concept of rudeness for you," I replied, scratching my cheeks.

"Ahaha~ She's always like this. Anyways here's the payment for the flower."

"Gold coin?! This is too much!" The seller protest as his eyes widens in surprise.


He lays his left arm around my neck and started walking away. I was a bit surprise... The intimacy... Just wow.

"Can you not touch me?"

"No can do Knile~"

"You are taking things too far. We aren't even friends, and don't call me by my name."

"But I like you~"

" That doesn't mean you should disrespect me, now don't touch me."

"You are always so cold~"

"Stop acting like a child."

"Oh look!" He suddenly exclaimed as he pulls me with him. He then took his arm off me as he picks a book. "It looks like they are selling the sacred writings of the church. I think these are the newly translated ones." He informed me as he started checking the pages.

They were selling a bunch of scriptures, books, and scrolls. Everything in this shop is all about a certain religion. It's a religion dedicated to the goddess.

It's a bit surprising atheist hasn't appeared yet in this era.

"Does everyone know how to read anyway?" I ask, also grabbing a book to check it out.

"Well yeah, most commoners do." He answered.

I started reading the table of contents and notice that everything was about the goddess who saves everyone. She was also the representation of goodness and that the light magic-user was her blessed child, making her the savior of all.

Dragons on the other hand were represented as evil and that everyone that associates with it, is also evil. Frankly, dark mages and witches are said to spread evil. I'm pretty sure the church purposely did this or something so that everyone will praise and believed the goddess.

"This sounds like a fairy tale. It's unrealistic." I stated, putting the book back in its rightful place. The magician flinches at the tone of my voice and looks at me. We're in a world of magic and dragons and even so, I find everything written in here made-up.

"So you're saying the magicians who translated these are at fault?" He asks in a serious tone.

"Wait, they're the ones who translated it?"

"Yes." He sighs as puts the book down.

I want to debate with you about the scriptures but the surrounding are too boisterous.

"Anyways, wanna eat?" He asks, his face lit up.

"Of course." I blankly answered. I was hungry since I skip breakfast. Judging from the sun and shadows, it looks like it's lunchtime already.

The magician then turns to his right and I followed behind. Soon I heard whispers around me.

The magician came to halt and look behind to face me. He, with a neutral expression, silently walk behind me and covered my ears. What the hell man? He urges me to continue walking straight and I was just confused.

Is he trying to prevent me from hearing nasty rumors?
If that's the case, get your hands off, I want to know their reaction! I then stop and held both of his hands and pulled them away from me. I successfully did it and was ready to tease him only to be stopped by a certain voice.

"Lady Knile?"

You've gotta be kidding me.

"I thought you were busy working at the magic tower?"

I turn my head to see the source of my demise.

What are the two lovebirds doing in here? Not to mention, what the hell is the prince doing in here? He's a massive source of headache!

"Are you two uh... Dating?"

What the hell.

even though the author created names for the characters, she doesn't remember it anymore. The reason why she keeps writing magician and not the real name is that she cannot remember the name.....

She even lost the note where she keeps the name of the characters. So frankly, her memory is terrible. This note is written in the third pov since it's easier to belittle her.

Edit; I found the notes~

I Will Die As The Villainess √Where stories live. Discover now