4: Amid The Chaos

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The image above is the heroine. ಠ◡ಠ


Knile's Pov

After the tense and almost awkward atmosphere from the carriage, we arrive and was now inside of what they call 'Timeless Palace'. A classic name for a castle I suppose.

The design, the architecture, it was glamorous. Though I doubt this kind of palace exists in the modern world.

Everyone my age was wearing fabulous and frilly dresses except for myself. I tried finding any exits but to no avail, this ballroom has only one exit. I was hoping I could ditch this event. I could hear people whispering behind my back about my dress. I can hear them say I look like an old woman when they use mercury and lead in their make-up.

Curse shall fall upon you, disgusting pest.

Now that I think of it, this is where the game introduces the characters. I remember the male leads which consist of a stupid prince, that bastard, a rude magician, a spoiled brat knight, and his twin. They hate the villainess even before the heroine shows up because she was too dignified and acts like an adult which bore them. I mean seriously, maturity should be admired, but that's just me of course. They also hate how silent she is and she only talks about business and battle strategies. What can I say? Knile is a prodigy that hates small and meaningless talks. She's such a talented person I don't know if I can imitate her well.

Observing my surroundings, I saw the male leads staring at me. Ha, those bastards. Their eyes are filled with curiosity and somehow looks surprised? They can't be staring at me.

Looking behind, I saw the heroine holding a parasol. A parasol at night, inside the palace. What kind of stupidity is that. Her pink and white dress was simple, it brings out her orange eyes that shows naivety and innocence. The color of her hair is ginger, with white strands and adoring it was butterfly hairpin.

She seemed tense and with a nervous smile, looked at me. Ah, I remember my history teacher telling me smiling back in the medieval era was unusual. My guess was because they don't clean their teeth much. But now that magic exists which is mostly used to clean, smiling isn't prohibited anymore. How sad.

"Why are you holding a parasol? The sun isn't shining." I ask, raising my eyebrow. "Are you allergic to the moonlight?"

"Ah! I'm so sorry! The prince gifted it to me and I wanted to use it..." Her voice in high pitch surely attracted the other guest. Her eyes were anxiously looking around while gripping on the parasol.

Even though she looks cute, her voice is so damn loud it makes her look like a squeaking hamster and I'm some kind of black cat playing her!! This is bad for my image...

"Your response didn't answer my question. So let me repeat myself, Why on earth are you holding a parasol?" Acting like a villainess somehow disgusted me. I don't know if I fit the role right.

"Are you trying to earn attention and shame?" 

"I... I-"

"Enough!" That bastard shouted as he shields her away from my stares. "Why must you always bully someone? First Your little sister then this young lady?"

Ha, feels like Deja vu. This is where they defended a lowly Count's daughter against the future empress. But even if I don't become one, they should mind the caste system.

"Lady Knile?" A voice spoke from behind and I saw the prince with a forced smile. His gentle aura and smile hid something sinister that not even I can explain. It just.... feels weird. 

"Sister. I had forgiven you for what you did against me and now you're bullying someone? How could you!" 

 Ah, just imagine how many bacteria and viruses they are sharing from that physical contact. Just staring at those fake tears made me think she's trying to destroy my image. What a nuisance.

"Since when did I bully her?" Crossing my arms, I slightly tilted my head. "I was just wondering why she is holding a parasol at night. Aren't you also curious? Perhaps she's allergic to moonlight."

The nobles glanced at each other and started whispering, sharing their useless perspectives and I can feel their hateful stares towards me. They're creating rumors to destroy our mighty dukedom. Scratch that, it's just me who they want to obliterate.

"But even so you shouldn't approach someone with a cold and emotionless voice." Oh really? Then stop wearing fake smiles prince.

"My lady, are you alright?" He added and I noticed a blush appearing on her face. The heroine lowered her head and brought her hand to her lips.

Wow, because of me you guys are getting closer. You should at least thank me once you get married, married in hell that is. 

"T-thank you."

"Are you hurt?"

"I... I think not."

Ha, they immediately drop their guard and focuses on each other's eyes. If I was an assassin, I would have immediately found an opening, disposing them. I wonder, if I were to kill them quickly, will I leave this world?

Rolling my eyes, I went to get some wine. I can still hear people whispering I was jealous. I'm trying my best and against my will, to follow the original manga so someone needs to praise me.

Once I got some wine and the drama slowly disperse, the Emperor and Empress entered. They were looking as sharp as ever. According to the original plot, the Emperor treasures our dukedom since they were friends with the Duke. And the Empress? I don't know about her though.

"Greetings to everyone. It is a pleasure you have the time to participate in my son's birthday. I hope you enjoy yourselves." The emperor, with a smile, announced. He was so nice and rational in the manga. Sadly, his son poisoned him. What a tragic ending.

"The first dance shall now commence." The empress added and they both sat at the throne while observing everyone.

I saw the prince sigh and I tried my best to hide my smirk. I was his fiancée so he was forced to ask me to dance. I love how he suffers.

Even though I'm not the real Knile right now, I know she would be amused.

He didn't even ask for my permission as he forced his hands to hold my waist and wrist. I gently lay my other hand on his shoulder and didn't bother with the other one. Our dance was perfect and I glance at the heroine and smirked. It must be heartbreaking to see the one you fell in love with at first sight dance with his rightful partner. Too bad I don't like him.

After the dance, I didn't even bother glancing back at the prince and left which made me look rude to other's eyes.

Let's explore.

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