67: Knowing him

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"You'll be staying in here." He spoke in a rough and low voice before he began coughing. Covering his mouth with his palm, his cough was dry and hoarse.

"You should probably drink more warm water," I told him before entering the room. Walls covered with white and black paint, a chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, a large window with golden-colored curtains tied apart for the outside to came in view-- yep, it was the same room I've used back then.

(I'm terrible at describing stuff I hope your imagination is good.)

"Worried are we?"

Annoyed, I glanced at him with a glare.

"Probably, I mean I'm not that surprised. It's winter and you don't look like you eat properly."

"So you are indeed worried..."

"Whatever satisfies you."

Who the hell will take care of you if you got sick and can barely move?
Those dead servants? Yeah right, he'll probably annoy me to take care of him and I don't want that.

After a while of just standing in the hallway, he entered the room and yawned. He soon went to the couch and rest, his sharp eyes intensely staring at me.

"Is it possible to order one of your servants?"

"Well, of course, you are the lady of this house. The servants belong to you."

That sounds so wrong. He then raises his hand and black particles started appearing before it disappears again. The ability to manage and resurrect dead people... As of cue, a servant appeared in the middle of the room.

"Prepare a warm bath for me," I ordered the attendant and she politely bows before leaving again. For him to summon the servants, I don't think they really belong to me. He must be kidding a while ago.

Sighing, I walk towards the window to watch the snow falls as his stares follow me.

"So, regarding our alliance-- what am I suppose to do? How will you help me and how will I return it?" My warm hands touch the cold glass pane as I continued to stare at the fog with uncertainty. The hidden stars and expanding darkness helps the glass reflect my pathetic self and I shivered as I saw his twisted smirk and lilac eyes on the glass.

"It's simple," he pauses. "You're going to help me through your sorcery."

Eh? Surprise, I quickly turn to look at him. He was looking at me with amusement dancing within his eyes.

"But aren't you already strong?"

"I am and unfortunately, I don't like wasting magic. I want you to do half of the work, you're a dark magician after all. Not to mention, cursed."

So the slave contract was meant to control me after all... And isn't it more convenient to do all the work yourself? Still, that does mean he somehow but not fully trust me?

Tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, I sternly look at him.

"And those are? What kind of work?"

Hearing my question, he intentionally ignored it as he closes his eyes and leaned on the couch, relaxing and enjoying the silence.

It seems like I've asked too much or he's not ready. He probably doesn't trust me that much to reveal his plans but at the very least, don't you dare ignore me.

I leaned on the wall and lowered my head. A realization then struck me, the presumption I had was indeed true. I felt somehow happy that I won't be losing my life.

In conclusion, he can't kill me now that I know he needs my magic. The slave contract was for trust and control. He knew of my past actions so I suppose he would think the slave contract would settle everything but it didn't.

I guess he also feared me once I regain my ability.

How funny, we both feared each other.

The only difference is that he knew too much and I knew too little. He knew how I would act which cause him to be careful around me and I don't know him to the point of predicting his actions, causing me to fear him too. It's despicable how humans fear the unknown.


Hearing his serious voice, I immediately raised my head and cleared my thoughts. Starting right now, I need to acquire more information about him and our surroundings.

"It's getting late so I'm gonna go to my room."


Why the need to tell when you can just leave?

"And? What am I supposed to say? Goodnight?"

He snickered at my comment before standing and adjusting his coat.

"Honestly, I thought you're gonna ask me to stay with you for the night in exchange for information and knowledge."

"I'm not that shallow," I replied, my palm covering my mouth as I look at him in revulsion. He started walking towards the door then stop.

"But you don't care," he pauses and glanced at me. "You don't care what happens to yourself."

I didn't know what to say next, I couldn't. It was true, even after Celestia told me her last request it was hard to physically care for myself. But looking at him, he was in the same state as me. He doesn't care about himself too.

"Also, after you take a bath, it would be preferable to sleep early. I forgot to buy some food so there's no dinner tonight."

Speak for yourself.

"I see, so we both don't care about our well-being or health."

So the servants don't go outside... That also explains why he's pale and ill. Well, at least he got brains.

"I forgot because I was busy. Now that your gonna help me, the workload would decrease, enabling me to not forget food. Anyway, a fascinating night to you."

I watch him leave and I finally collapse on the floor, my knees and legs shaking. It seems like I'm too exhausted. The servant, who was a girl with long brown hair tied into pigtails and aqua eyes entered the room, signaling me that the bath was ready. Even though she's just a mob character, she looks quite pretty.

I followed her and we entered the room next to mine. It was strange the bathtub was next to my room and not inside.

Walking towards the mirror surrounded with glistening gemstones, I gazed at myself.

What the hell did I do to Knile? Not only did she lost weight her face looks terrible with those eye bags.

"Close the door and leave," I stated before removing the clothing they gave me. It was a simple but elegant black dress that ended on my knees. My wrists were covered with loose sleeves-- golden threads stitched together as a butterfly decorated it. The fabric was also adorned with useless golden buttons.

Observing myself, the scars that I receive garnished my skin. Is this my trophy for being a villainess?

Submerging myself in the warm water filled with lather and bubbles, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Problems started leaving my mind and I found myself forgetting about the current circumstances. I didn't have enough energy to care about anything anymore. I just wanted to rest in serenity and for once, forget that I'm a villainess.


Let me know your thoughts :)

I Will Die As The Villainess √Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя