55: Bloody Palace

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⚠️Warning; proceed with caution.

I suggest not to read this chapter for people who have very active imaginations or people who are easy to offend.

Ok kidding, it's not like my writing's good so you might not imagine it because it lacks details. But still,


Things started unfolding which no one anticipated, even the villainess.

Blood started gushing as long thin of ice started falling from the sky, impaling the unfortunate.

The smell of blood and terrorized screams filled the area. Everyone was beyond shock and Knile's smile vanish as she watches the people in front of her get stab.

'What's going on?' She asks herself as she looks towards the heroine who fainted as soon as she saw the horrible events unraveling. She clicks her tongue and looks towards the people running away from the execution ground.

Un/fortunately, before they can even escape, they were instantly killed. Some manage to survive the destructive ice only to be killed by other people who are pushing everyone. They were eager to leave the location they'll do anything, even if that means taking other people's life. Several people died from being trampled by others.

Long pointy ice keeps appearing above and even the knights can't withstand it, causing their head to be jabbed and break in half. Eyeballs feel towards a cowering child which causes her to scream in terror. Her face was painted with the mesmerizing color of blood.

Knile saw someone get stabbed in the neck with such force that the head fell and rolled. Eyes widen in complete terror, the man's expression was beyond disgusting. It was strange Knile wasn't receiving any attack.

The beautiful sight of her persecutors being puncture cause her to just stare and the crimson substance being spilled reach her cheeks. The flame surrounding her started to die because of the blood flying towards her.

There was so much blood it stopped the flame from engulfing Knile's dress.

She then closes her eyes to prevent the red substance from entering her eyes. It splattered on her face and she can just curse inside her head.

Their screams no longer reach her ears, she was getting accustomed to it. It was funny how they were the ones waiting for her to scream...

The royals took shelter inside the palace while the commoners were left to suffer. The Dukes started casting spells to protect the commoners but it takes time for the spell to work. With just a second passing by,  thirty percent are already finished.

Rayll created an ice shield above him and people went near him. They were pushing each other, showing how survival only matters; which created chaos that made Rayll so furious. He looks at Knile to secure that she didn't escape. It was clearly impossible for her to do this since the chains absorbed half of her mana.

Cracks managed to appear on his shield which was starting to be tainted red so he tried his best to fix the damage, but to no avail; the attacks keep coming at a fast rate it was hard to comprehend.

A woman was pushed in front of him and their eyes met before she got impaled. Her blood splattered and covered his eyelids.

More ice fell towards the woman and it drilled a lot of holes, causing her insides to be spilled. Rayll witnessed it and he felt like throwing up.

His hands which were raised above started trembling and a large unusual pointy ice fell towards him at a fast rate. It destroyed his shield in the middle which causes the people underneath it to be crushed and turn to juice. (Ahahaha, reminds me of kokichi's execution)

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